We are pleased to announce the Spring meeting of the Club Magnifico Florence -
Nodate 野 点 and Kaiseki 懐 石
We will present the spring program of the Association. It
will be a fantastic lunch Japanese Kaiseki Bento with the tea ceremony in the beautiful Spring Garden Villa Agnese.
I hope to meet together to share this beautiful moment of spring.
By reservation only:
April 19 (Sat) 20 seats € 35
April 20 (Sun 20 seats € 35
• 12:00 a welcome with a cup of tea and cakes
• Starting at 13 : 00 Lunch Kaiseki Bento
• Villa Agnese, Via S. Leonardo 31, Florence (garden entrance)
• Information and reservations: 348-8816453
/ e-mail nerona@dada.it
335-6822434 / e-mail junko.f @ virgilio.it
Participants will be given a beautiful lunch bento (typical Japanese food door).
In the afternoon you can attend a tea ceremony with special sweet (€ 8).
- click here to see the invitation -