Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Much Do Heated Seats Cost To Install When Bu

Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Reverse Hypopigmentation


"What does the woman?" Comedy and drama of sexual difference in the pursuit of happiness. Rapporteur: Luis Brusa ____________________________________________________________________ ITS TITLE AGAIN THE ENIGMA-A ROCKY AND 'THE PATH OF FREUD ARRIVED, THAT': "WHO WANTS A WOMAN?" Psychoanalysis has made progress in this regard? Absolutely. We can say that psychoanalysis rises with the rise of this same question "What does the woman?" Question that Freud extracted from the unconscious and made loud and clear. It 's a question from a purely modern, which appears with a fracture that modernity brings in Jewish Christian tradition, our own. E 'Lacan was to have the question of Freud's historical context and to have solved the riddle. Psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic experience of each, if carried through, leading to the solution of the question. HAPPINESS '... MANY THE PROMISE. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE PSYCHOANALYSIS? E 'A GOAL TO REACH? Psychoanalysis is not the promise, and its discrepancy with the psychotherapy market. On the other hand one can safely say that the reach. The middle path, which is that of an 'analysis, radically transforms the chemical components of happiness. That is impossible because it is initially composed of an explosive mixture, the subject thinks giving more and more to approach it suffers, and this is due to what psychoanalysis calls the death instinct. By analyzing the chemicals subject - I keep this metaphor that makes it a good idea - change. The component of the death instinct becomes lighter and the subject can arrivarei its destination, that has since changed the mix, it is no longer explosive, is lightened, it is emptied, it has become what Lacan indicates the name of desire. Happiness is living your desire is not an orgy of pleasure. And as such is attainable, is the true end of unanalisi. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE THAT SEXUAL CONCERNS The Pursuit of Happyness'? Love, couple, marriage, divorce, rimatrimonio are all attempts, sometimes clumsy, that people make to seek happiness from sexual difference. The loneliness and lack that mark each of us in his position sexual, we are looking for a balm in the other. It 's a real legitimate, if the road is full of accidents is due to the application from which we started, "What does woman want?", an application that works in this pursuit of happiness as a source of distress and as a loss, just as for women than for men, an application that is blinding also accept conditions of great unhappiness in relationships, in the name of the ghost with which each responds unconsciously to the riddle.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby Hand Print With Angel Wings Tattoo

Secretary RIMINI SLP: Speech delivered on the occasion of the day in preparation for the Torino 2010 Conference "from the UNCONSCIOUS "

THE "NOTICE OUTRE" A text of Giorgio Gaber Omar Battisti. __________________________________________________________________ The text that I wish to treat is called "The Pig", and is a monologue taken from "Years crowded," the theatrical season of the year Gaber 1981. I thought of this book for two reasons: first, that there is something that speaks to me of the unconscious, the second is that this something is the assumption that Gaber is talking secretly with Freud. "The Pig" is really present in the scene: is locked in a cage with a guinea pig in Gaber's talking about. This little piggy is called "Sigismondo". The association that comes to mind is that between Gismondo - Sigmund and Sigmund. There is also a series that I would extrapolate from the text: text - Game - libido - death. This chain seems to me as something along which flows a question that could arise at two levels: on the first floor it would be like you being understood by another, on another level it is a question that lacks "the ability to say one thing to another." Having named the pig "Sigismondo" leads me to some considerations: the other is talking with whom Gaber, and add which is trying to make himself understood, is a caged animal that has a name that evokes Freud's. Gaber explained that "the word is important" because "If you are the one to do: , what is silent, but when he invites him to eat mandarancio that led to the fact that the pig does not eat it, considers that "the word is not everything" and that "there are languages \u200b\u200bsimpler and more mysterious," " those of communication." And this is when the call goes to the game. I would point out that, beyond what he says Gaber than the game at the end of this step is as if he see that the pig was not listening, was "distracted" because maybe it's "a little fool." So you could say that this other can not understand. So here you go from playing to "the libido", the level of those in the text Gaber deemed instincts same for everyone, so perhaps you could understand a level where the pig with Freud. Yet even here it is "rejected" and Gaber begins a brief dispute points to the importance of love where to find "a point of understanding," "penetration." Starting dall'equivoco of penetration, one could say that Gaber noted the failure of communication with others involved, the pig Freud, and goes on to treat the death as "something that goes for me, for you." Here I say that is no longer in question, the fact of being able to understand another, but there is something to which nobody can escape, in which everyone is forced to reckon with. But in the continuation of the monologue Gaber talks about the fact that he saw a pig die, and considers that "when you die you must also enjoy" and that "the worst is for caregivers." From this sentence is as if there was a sudden change of register, that is not the same as if Gaber more talking to the pig, but talking to another dimension. In fact he goes on: "And my father died." In the face of this death Gaber brings up that "not enough to understand, it should be." So at this level would be important to understand the opportunities, but perhaps you could say that there is at stake is the ability to share experience in front of which "lacked the ability to say one thing to another." I would like to point out that the issue is not the lack of a word to say, but even more radically, is the very possibility of saying that is missing. So it's not so much that the missing word but lacks the right to speak. Faced with this lack radical, Gaber points out that in the monologue reached for his dying father, "But with fear, without love," adding that "maybe it's just that we can do this without deceiving ourselves." This passage reminds me of the phrase Lacan that anxiety is what is not misleading, and brings me back to reality of Lacan. The monologue ends with Gaber that asks: "But if there is no longer even be an [...] and you can ..." and does not finish the sentence, as in matters worse that missing a chance to say. What remains is the end of the monologue, with Gaber repeating three times the phrase "just", the last time with a cry that gives me the shivers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Probleme Mit Tvcenter Pro Seriennummer

WHO WANTS A WOMAN? Comedy and drama of sexual difference in the pursuit of happiness

FREE PUBLIC LECTURE FRIDAY 'November 19 from 21:00 to 23:00 ROOM AT THE ARCHES Arengo Palace - Piazza Cavour RIMINI Speaker: LUISELLA BRUSA Psychoanalyst of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, a member of AMP and EFP