We are pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition on the tradition of 'Jizo' : 4 to 23 April
the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art at the Church of the Holy Stefano Ponte in Florence.
I 'Jizo' votive statuettes are a good omen, normally located at the crossroads or in sacred places. are part of the Japanese religious tradition and are spread throughout the territory as a kind of folk art. Their presence wants to soothe the spirit. The exhibition presents 'Jizo' made in ancient times along with some contemporary examples.
The event is organized by the Japanese culture of "Magnificent Florence Club" in collaboration with the Scientific-Literary Cabinet GP Viesseux, "Viesseux-Asia." During the inauguration will take place on musical accompaniment, the performances of:
Tessin Sasaki, Painting in Black Ink
Hakusho Toyama, Calligraphy
"Pellegrini Japanese," Dance of the Seven Gods
The exhibition will be open every day from 16.30 to 19.30 hours.
for information: tel. 055 288342 / 2396743 Fax

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