Sunday, February 28, 2010
Fixing Ptosis Without Surgery
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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When I need to relax, to distract, alienate or just a bit 'from the usual daily routine, I love to take refuge in the first library that I happen under fire. Wander the aisles filled with tomes, manuals, books and libriccioli, browse those pages and get over your fingers (I can not stand the pages too smooth, which have created an effect like broken fingernail on the blackboard, I get the shivers just to write it) catch snippets of random words and phrases (from "remarked the impression left by the red lipstick on his glass" to "whip with a knob of butter "to" the murderess, strange but true, it was the butler! "), watching other people buy and build, in my opinion can relax the nerves of the Sun Salutation or Zen sitting. As a child, I remained fascinated every time I looked Beauty and the Beast and the Beast gives Belle the huge library, and you must use the ladder to grab the desired volumes, or where Pagemaster Macaulay Carson Culkin, that makes the protagonist and who is now up to his neck in drugs (in my opinion the fault of the trauma resulting from the implementation of Mom Alone and Mom Alone 2 ), has made three friends-books in cardboard animated, an adventure, a sci-fi and one of love, and yet Harry Potter, I always seemed unfair that the Italian schools did not have a library like that at Hogwarts (and especially do not study or Herbology History of Magic). The fact is that I love to read, immerse myself in those stories, reflections and do not get out, imagine the characters and situations, immerse myself in the same, to become empathetic with what I'm reading, suffer when I read the last page of the book and close, and I know it was over and, hungry for words, I have to put your heart at rest. Obviously not always the case. Sometimes it is impossible to continue early books to read, let alone finish them! I once read some advice from a psychologist or a modern pundits who said he does not force them to read what they want, but we put the book aside and start a new one, because otherwise it would be just a big waste of time, and time, nowadays, there is little, really little. But for me it's almost a challenge to finish a book too heavy, too convoluted, too strange, so I keep it ends up on the table for at least three months, I read a page a day and just start another book: 80% of the time not I can finish it. Other times they happen to read books that you wonder how they have been published, which will write more about your cat with your eyes closed. The case Moccia , for example. I swear I would write a better child of primary school: however, the pathetic story of adjectives, phrases that are repeated, the dialogue non-existent, inconsistent history, has enchanted many young Italians, and this speaks volumes about the people of our nation of readers . But we want to Step with a Mr. Darcy or a Heathcliff? Are we kidding? Also in the wake of the current junk so popular, came the stories of vampires Stephenie Meyer: I, conscious of the fact that "if you read it you can not make judgments," I tried. I swear that I tried. But the third looked languid between Bella and Edward I had let go, the situation was becoming unbearable! The Bram Stoker's Dracula must be turning in his grave, forever if it is true that Jonathan Harker was able to pierce the pole of ash in his heart and then beheaded. All this is indicative: the reading of books leads to a greater mastery of the language, more culture, and also a useful economic competitiveness to the budget of the country - in fact there is a close correlation between reading index and GDP. Reflecting the fact that in Italy we read very little. Complicit in the sad situation is also the school provided little school libraries, absurd levies on the reading given by teachers and professors. Each book which is imposed on the reading is automatically hated or shelved. It is no coincidence that the Betrothed and Divine Comedy are "rediscovered" only in a more mature age. The endless hours of class time spent on a single Dante or summaries of the chapters of Manzoni, have created in me a sort of revulsion toward those who are pillars of literature not only Italian but also worldwide. The Leopard did read in seventh grade can be considered the final jab. The students, in part to a disdain for hard charging, in part because it is easier to sit to see Tina in that barks Men & Women , shelve books, I much prefer the Nintendo Wii, specializing in grammar and spelling errors, they think that the Decadent is the name of the new fragrance from Estée Lauder. It has been estimated, for the note, that Italians spend on books only € 65 a year, the equivalent of a dinner at the restaurant for two. Too bad the hunger for culture an event is quite unique.
(Please participate in the initiative very nice read, read, read! scheduled for March 26. The goal? Giving a book to a stranger. Click on the link for full details!)
Today I propose recipe for crumbly pastries, melt-in boccat. It is recommended to accompany a nice cup of tea, and - why not, for a book.
cakes of shortbread
150 g butter 225 g flour 00 g sugar 75
large egg 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder vanilla cake
2 packets of vanilla
a pinch of salt
In a bowl put the butter, slightly softened and the sugar, mount with electric beaters for 5 minutes, until you get a good whipped cream. Add egg and vanilla and continue beating until they are well absorbed, at which point electric whips no longer needed. Add in twice the flour mixed with baking powder and salt and mix gently from bottom to top with a wooden spoon. Fill the mixture into a pastry bag with a star nozzle and squeeze 1 cm from the cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper, giving it the shape you want (for those with candied cherry, divide and place a cherry half on pastry before baking). Place in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 80-10 minutes, if the pastry begins to color, remove them immediately from the oven. Let them cool, then decorate with icing sugar dusting, or coated in dark chocolate, hazelnuts, white chocolate, chopped pistachios, coconut flour of your choice.
Friday, February 19, 2010
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The Noon for any home or kitchen of a passionate woman who is inexplicably at home with time to use, is fought to the sound of pots and stoves. Turns RaiUno, rising notes of Tagliatelle di Nonna Pina and begins Testing Cook, program is now an integral part of Italian television, and even the most embarrassing. Notebook and pen in hand, the hour and a half of the program, as well as encourage secretion by the salivary glands, pantry and a thousand thousand recipes cooking tips, and even hundreds of suggestions on how to set the table and decorate your table (please, abolish the blue roses!). Among the notes of the songs from the infamous Zecchino (or zucchini?) gold , including classic recipes, and surrealist art, is a continuation of a cast of characters now famous and renowned. Proof of Cook has 10 years, and began with the conduct of Antonella Clerici : against the prototype of the standard Italian conductor, beautiful but little substance, Antonellina immediately distinguished itself for its soft shape, her culinary ineptitude and his extreme sympathy. For the first time, also ' Anna Moroni, despite that voice unbearably acute and ungainly, it remained to be too nasty, looking like a petulant Granny umbra would only share the secrets of her recipes. And finally Beppe Bigazzi , my "concittaddino" (born in Newfoundland Bracciolini, Arezzo), surly and sullen, with her remedies and advice exclusively tied to tradition, the thick eyebrows Canute ready to knit at any moment. The program then deteriorated. It says "the game is great when short-lived" and also "looks can be deceiving" in that regard, we may use "looks can be deceiving and there are hardly aware of only if the game does not last long (until is nice). Antonellina When she became pregnant, going to increase the fat on for years and years of impeccable conduct of transmission (how to stand in there?), has been replaced by new Elisa Isoardi . not temporarily but definitely. The compensation required is lower than that of Clerici, the ratings remained high, but we want to talk about performance management? The Isoardi is set too, does not understand anything about food, and sometimes makes it really can not understand any recipe, always says "That's great" (even while running the blender!) while wide-eyed moving feverishly from one camera to another, not to mention the facial expressions exaggerated forced when something tastes (even before you bring food to the mouth assumes the pose of enthusiastic happiness, what you really think that it could fatten gram). In short, you do not know about home, good food and natural and last feature that makes me unbearable hate pepper, and why they're banning all the recipes from the program. In short, it will be pretty nice, but it is very empty, so perfect for the standard "medioitaliano" following the broadcast. The question arises: how will it be able to get that "up"? We are confident that Del Noce was not taken by the throat. At the same time, and also Moroni Beppe have lost something. The lady from the Umbrian squeaky little voice she started to share recipes belonging to poor foodbloggers impersonating her, and her laughter to Gollum is becoming truly unbearable. Visscher has been added to the club, which will also be an excellent cook, but to humanity as Sprint TV and just do not know anything. The icing on the cake? What happened last February 15: Beppe Bigazzi, starting with a popular saying of its parts which reads "A Berlingaccio who does not have flesh kills the cat", said that during Carnival, in Valdarno, in the '30s and '40s Who could not enjoy the rabbit, the cat ate. ENPA (National Animal Control), together with responsible for the Greens, Christian Morelli, have been thrown their protests, and a red card ejection came immediately to Beppe, who had to withdraw temporarily from the transmission. Perhaps he had talked a bit 'too much on the "maturation of white Carnini" of cats, including such picturesque details, but rather macabre. However it must be said that the co-host one, going back to a popular saying, and widespread custom in those lean years. In my opinion, the expulsion seems excessive, considering the nature of Bigazzi, prone to exaggeration and ill beats. And then you open another question: why not the cat and the rabbit? Because man is accustomed to keep the cat curled up on the couch? And a soft bunny then? The lamb watching Lisa Simpson with his languid eyes? And Bambi, the fawn want to talk about our childhood?! In view of these considerations I'm not absolutely saying it is in favor of the 100 ways to cook crap, mind you. However, according to this new perspective, it is also less creepy the Chinese custom. And if we had used since ancient times to cook the dog and to build the bed for our pet pig?
Despite this, sorry for a moment, but I have to see who wins, if red tomato or green tomato. Today
a recipe for a tender meat served with cat ... Okay, Carnival has already passed, and April 1 is still distant. For the last days of winter (hopefully) of tender fillet covered with truffle sauce accompanied by crispy polenta molds outside and soft inside.
fillet with truffles and crispy polenta
Ingredients for 4 people
to the thread:
4 slices of fillet of about 2 1 hg hg one o'clock
truffle sauce
a knob of butter salt
for molds:
2HG polenta (the type preferred)
truffle sauce
to the thread:
Bake the slices of grilled tenderloin salt and pepper, 5 minutes per side. In a pan, melt the butter to which add half of the truffle sauce. Arrange the slices of tenderloin, on which to add the remaining sauce. Serve hot.
for molds:
Cook the polenta and let cool, then place it on the board passing over a rolling pin to level. With the cookie molds, make the molds prefer, which put the truffle sauce. Arrange on a plate crisp lightly greased, and cook in microwave oven with crisp function for 4-5 minutes.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
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Sunday we will celebrate one of the most pathetic and consumerist celebrations of the globe: S. Valentino . Couples sickly and campaigns-campaigns, will stand hand in hand, or dine by candlelight, or visit this or that Italian city, complete with bouquets of flowers and heart-shaped balloons inflated with helium. You, I turn to you, now a single test at first sight, hanging out on the sidelines, professing as it is sad to celebrate St. Valentino and that love is not shown only once a year. Nonsense: of course we would love to receive as a gift one of those scary plush squeeze between the legs of hearts chocolate, or at least be able to snub the holiday with class, but decided to partner together. In your favor, though, you can pull out of the valid reasons for your friends who will tell you to wire and sign plans for Sunday, February 14, about how useless it is to spend as much for something so fleeting. In my opinion, Carlo Verdone, with Love is eternal while it lasts , has outdone himself. Not so much for the film itself (it is certainly more valuable Honeymoons with Tosca and famolostrano! ), and for the appropriate choice of the title. Yes, because I think a couple in love is not infinite. After the initial euphoria and passion, this deprives, and the more we go forward in time, the more it becomes habit and habit. While in some cases have disappeared, in others it becomes a different kind of love here. We comply with the life that, for some 'time, it leads to partner, and we are adapting to it. Because many times, after marriage, is the betrayal? If at times this is purely erotic, sexual, and spiritually and psychologically it is bound and attracted to the person who we chose as a companion for life, but sometimes it is indeed caused by a spark from the body which replaces the now faded by time. To prove that my theory is not only dictated by a sort of pessimism unusual for a girl my age right now that love does not see even a postcard (and when you're in love, apparently, it seems that your story is the best of all, the most beautiful the world and that will last more new silicone breasts of Ventura), the science involved. According to research conducted by the University of Pavia on the substance in the brain capable of falling in love, in fact, everything is reducible to the proteins. Small amino acid chains can influence the feeling for excellence, that he did talk about so many thinkers, what still remains a great mystery to the human species. The first "molecule love "was discovered by Nobel laureate (1968, for studies on growth factors precisely the nervous system) Rita Levi Montalcini : it is called NGF, which stands for Nerve Growth Factor. To study the phenomenon have been analyzed different groups of people divided by length of relationship. In people where the relationship had begun recently, there were higher values \u200b\u200bof NGF compared to couples who were together for over a year. Another aspect that emerged from research is that levels of NFG declines with the passing of the years in starting a new relationship will have a twenty year old protein levels higher than three decades. However, the researchers however, take to point out that after the first year does not end the love, this phase ends only "acute" that gives way to other sensations. All this validates the theory that supporters are now a bit 'of time. Your friend obviously you will look skeptically and full of disappointment, and he will look for a lovely photo frame for her boyfriend to think how much you are unlucky and a bit 'jealous, unaware that his level of NGF is progressively decreasing.
For this Valentine's Day, here is the recipe of the famous Baci di Perugia, found on Salt and Pepper this month. These mouth-watering chocolates are born in the 20s from an idea of \u200b\u200bGiovanni Buitoni and Luisa Spagnoli, including the original founders of Perugia. She invented the recipe and called them "fists" to form a fist, and he softened it in the name of "kisses." Wrap it in aluminum foil, placing each in a famous quote: the result will surely be more satisfactory than that given by the sweets purchased.
Baci di Perugia
Ingredients: 240 g
hazelnut chocolate 120 g hazelnuts 30 g roasted hazelnuts
70 g cream 300 g dark chocolate 70%
Heat the cream in a saucepan with the chopped chocolate and stir until gianduia to obtain a smooth cream. Add the hazelnuts and continue stirring until it is completely incorporated. Transfer the mixture into a pastry bag without a nozzle, distribute it on a tray lined with baking paper to form as many balls as big as a walnut, let cool in the fridge for an hour and then place a whole hazelnut on every kiss, pressing lightly. Grate fine dark chocolate together into a bowl and let it melt gently in a water bath. Remove the kisses from the fridge and dip in melted chocolate one at a time, using a forceps or pastry with a fork to coat completely. Drain well do the kisses, and then put them on a sheet of baking paper and let them rest until they are thoroughly dried.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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"It's a good jam," said the queen.
"So now I do not want."
"Even if I had you wanted, you could not have," said the queen. "The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but no jam today."
"But sooner or later there will be jam today!" Alice objected.
"No," replied the Queen. "The jam is in the other days, and today is another day, as you should know. "
" I do not understand, "said Alice. "It's dreadfully confusing."
(from Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll)
Because we, today, we are accustomed to the paradoxical logic, that twisted and unsettling is the host in the works of Carroll. We are accustomed to politicians who make so many promises, but then we do not see even the shadow of the "jam tomorrow". One wonders how the work of the great writer, though unreal, may be far from the modern world, and its far-fetched reason. It is a twisted world where you are rich or poor? It is a twisted world in which a future is not assured for anyone? It is a twisted world where good and evil are mixed up? It is a twisted world where he is at war continue? It is the twisted reality that surrounds us? I almost prefer the Cheshire Cat .
Today's recipe orange marmalade, which has literally conquered my house. Tin cans to disappear at the speed of light is excellent both as a sweet, on toast, on bread with butter or yogurt, or as a savory appetizer, accompanied by cheese. The jam in question is just what Alice found the jar (empty), he falls into the well. The girl does not dare to throw it down, because he thinks it could fall into someone's head. The question arises: should not fall with the same speed that Alice is already falling?
orange marmalade
Ingredients: 1.5 kg
oranges, 1 lemon untreated
1.5 l water 1.5 kg sugar
Cut the oranges and the lemon into six wedges, then cut into thin slices each. Collect the slices of citrus fruit in a bowl with a glass or porcelain (not plastic), pour water and cover with plastic wrap. Let stand for a whole night in a cool place. The next day, pour the contents of bowl of oranges and water in a saucepan with the triple bottom steel. Add the sugar, stir until it is dissolved and continue cooking over high heat for about 30 minutes. Let stand a few minutes, then fill the jars and seal with airtight. If opened, the jam will keep for a few days in the fridge. Otherwise, the jar can be kept sealed for about 6 months.
Monday, February 1, 2010
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