Have you heard the news of the initiative Burn Koran day (here's group on Facebook)? I did, and I do not like what I heard. This is an event in memory of those lost Sept. 11, sponsored by an evangelical pastor, is proposing to burn copies of the Koran in public. Unfortunately, the large U.S. government agencies have already begun to live with an income of the story of September 11, at the expense of those who left us for that very day.
And for the dignity and the memory of those who died is our right to know the truth. This blog, as written in the header, promotes the dissemination of conspiracy theories or alternatives; you have chosen, however, should not be treated (at least not entirely) the September 11 plot, for obvious reasons of space. However if you would like to learn more on the other side of the "attacks", click on the image below.

It is "luogocomune," the online newspaper run by Massimo Mazzucco, explaining step by step what will not return in the official version of the facts given in those days by the government of the United States of America.
therefore take this opportunity to make some clarifications. Many visitors to the YouTube channel [- LINK -] I was asked questions about the Sept. 11 conspiracy theory, among them the most significant, in my opinion, was:
But do you think you can really think it was all a stunt?? In short, it is possible that all newspapers have lied, lied, that aviation, which are all agreed from the beginning? How can a government killing its citizens so cowardly?
legitimate question, please, post, though, from someone who still lives in the magical world of TV, where nothing ever happens, or if something is always the fault of immigrants or people of color, where politicians do not steal , where corruption does not exist, where it is yet another important Marrazzo trans or just another whore Berlusconi that the lives of thousands of innocent people, where the first to commit crime are the "governments". Here's the wonderful world of TV where you take the good story that the first guy in a suit and tie tells you in front of a camera.
Unfortunately, and I regret to say, the real world does not work at all. The issue of September 11 has several dark spots , that journalists, as I understand it, do not intend to clarify, because instead of Korans set fire to the citizens do not investigate to see how things went, maybe because, after all basically, I'm in too.
If you believe that a government can not kill in cold blood thousands of its citizens then lie shamelessly for the rest of his days, then you are wrong. Here, in fact, here are some documents and testimony that should make you think:
March 13, 1962: Lyman Lemnitzer, Chief of Staff, presents a plan to the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, called "Operation Northwoods" ( here you can find the document with a lot of translation). The document proposed to engineer terrorist attacks in Guantanamo to provide a pretext for military intervention against Cuba

The plans included the dissemination of false rumors accusing Cuba of producing false clandestine radio broadcasts, infiltrating spies into the Cuban base to make attacks, triggering riots at the base. It is also planned to blow up ammunition dumps and start fires, sabotage of the installation military aircraft and ships, bomb the base with mortar shells, sink the ship near the entrance and funerals for the victims imaginary unleash a campaign terrorist in Miami, Florida and Washington DC
And finally, to destroy an unmanned off the Cuban waters. The passengers, federal agents in reality, would be passed as college students on vacation. An airplane of the U.S. base at Eglin would be painted and numbered to become an exact duplicate of a registered civil aircraft belonging to a front company CIA in Miami. The duplicate would be replaced with the real plane and loaded with passengers. The real plane would have been turned into a drone. The aircraft would be exchanged in South Florida.
The aircraft with passengers would land behind them down to Eglin regaining its original status. The drone would leave as scheduled flight and then would send a "SOS signal" before being detonated with a remote control. The plan was rejected by McNamara and President John F. Kennedy personally removes Lemnitzer by Chief of Staff.
Although not all resulted in tragedy, this story tells us that "the intent" of the car bomb existed and still exists in America. We continue:
December 1, 1984: A remote-controlled Boeing 720 lifts off from Edwards Air Force Base U.S. and NASA does crash for a study on fuel. Before being shot down flight operations for about 16 hours doing the reverse and landing.
1999: NORAD conducts exercises in which hijacked planes are flown into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
October 24, 2000: The Pentagon conducts the first of two exercises called "NASCAL" simulating the crash of a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon. Charles Burlingame, a former naval F4 pilot who worked at the Pentagon, attended the first exercise to resign and start working at the American Airlines, where, less than a year later, his Boeing 757 allegedly crashes into the Pentagon.

June 2001: The Department of Defense branches out new guidelines for military intervention in case of hijackings. It requires that all non-urgent responses to the Department of Defense must obtain permission directly from the Secretary of Defense.
Attorney General John Ashcroft begins flying on private jets for the rest of his term on the advice of the FBI for "danger".
July 4, 2001: Osama Bin Laden, wanted by the United States since 1998, receives medical treatment at the Hospital of Dubai, where he received a visit from a local leader of the CIA.
July 24, 2001: Larry Silverstein, who already owned the World Trade Center 7, a 99-year lease, paying $ 32 billion, the whole of the World Trade Center six weeks before 9 / 11. Included in the contract there was an insurance policy by $ 35 billion, which coincidentally would specifically covered acts of terrorism.
few weeks before the "attacks" the explosive detector dogs are made away from the World Trade Center and security officers to conclude two weeks with 12-hour shifts.
Newsweek reports that a senior Pentagon official cancels their flight plans for the next mattianata.
San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives a phone call that warned not to fly the next morning. Pacifica Radio later revealed that the call came directly from National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.
And at a military hospital in Pakistan all the urologists are replaced with a special team to welcome their special guest, Osama Bin Laden, who is carefully escorted inside to be "cared for and protected with care."
judge. If you have questions or want further clarification, here is a video summary of irregularities in the official version.
We sincerely thank Massimo Mazzucco, author of the short film "The crystal truth. "As the final note is to clarify that burning the sacred texts of other religions does not seem a great test of civilization, indeed, was for me, immediately remove from the community that the Pastor has proposed that solution.

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