Institute Freudian FOR THE CLINIC, THERAPY AND SCIENCE ACTIVITIES ______________________________________________________________________ 'The teachings of the clinical sections of the Freudian Field and the antennas are designed scientific training of psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, educators, mental health practitioners and those who, for various reasons, wish to acquire training in the field of psychoanalysis. The activities include a seminar Antenna Rimini read and comment on the text of Jacques Lacan " The Seminar. Book XVIII. In a speech that he would not countenance the (1971), "taught by Professors of the Departments European clinics, a Seminar discussion of clinical cases, by the teachers of Freud, workshops, conferences with the aim of developing and deepening concepts relating to clinical practice through the use of the theory and psychoanalytic concepts. All Sections clinics are directed by Jacques-Alain Miller, Director of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII. INFO Freudian Institute, Via Palestro, 30-00185 Roma tel. 06 6786703 - Fax 066786684 e-mail: the Year Among the men and women ________________________________________________________________ FUNDAMENTAL SEMINAR The seminar consists of two key lessons: a theoretical, which involves reading a text and commentary Jacques Lacan and provides a practical exposure to clinical cases that highlight the operational value of the theory. Reference text reading and commenting on the text of Jacques Lacan: "The Seminar. Book XVIII. In a speech that he would not countenance the ", Einaudi, Torino 2010 20 November 2010 invited Professor: Luis Brusa (Milan) Case Clinical presented by: Julie Capannelli (Ancona) 22 January 2011 invited Professor Jean-Louis Gault (Paris) Case Study presented by: Ezio De Francesco (Roma) on February 26 called on Professor: Carole Dewambrechies-La Sagna (Bordeaux) Case Study by Brigitte Laffay (Conegliano Veneto) 12 March 2011 invited lecturer: Massimo Termini (Rome) Case Study presented by: Chris Santini (Fano) April 16, 2011 Teacher asked: Esthela Solano Suarez (Paris) Case Study presented by: Indulgence Pasquale (Bologna) HOURS theoretical Seminar: 09:00 - 13:00 Clinical Case Seminar: at 14:30 to 17:30 PLACE RAMADA RIMINI VILLA ROSA Hotel, Viale Vespucci, 71 - RIMINI ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Study Group 1 Seminar on introduction to the reading of Sigmund Freud Sexuality sexual development versus Textbooks S. Freud, Three Essays on Sexuality (1905), Selected Works, vol.IV, Hogarth, Torino 1978, pp. 514-534, S. Freud, Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the sexes (1925), Selected Works, vol. X, Basic Books, Torino 1978, S. Freud, Femininity (1932), Selected Works, vol. XI, Hogarth, Torino 1978, S. Freud, Analysis terminable and interminable (1937), Selected Works, vol. XI, Hogarth, Torino 1978, pp. Coordinate LORETTA 533-535 BIONDI, PHAEDRA Bucella Date November 21, 2010 14 December 2010 * January 23, 2011 February 27 March 13, 2011 April 17, 2011 Opening hours 08:30 to 11:00 a.m. Place Hotel Ramada Rimini Villa Rosa, viale Vespucci 71 - Rimini * hours 20:00 to 22:30 avenue Dardanelles, 11 - RIMINI Study Group Seminar 2 Introduction to Reading Jacques Lacan in psychoanalysis in the over-determination Textbooks A. Lacan, The Seminar on "The Purloined Letter," in Writings, vol. I, Einaudi, Torino, 1974. J. Lacan, The Seminar. Paper II. ch. XXIII, Psychoanalysis, and cybernetics, or the nature of language. Conference, Einaudi, Torino, 2006. J. Lacan, The Seminar. Paper IV. Chapter XIV: The signifier in the real, Einaudi, Torino, 1996. S. Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Selected Works, Vol III, Basic Books Bollati, Torino, 1998. Edgar Allan Poe, The Purloined Letter, Murcia Editore, 2009. Coordinate Raffaele Calabrò, MARIA ANTONELLA OF MONACO Date November 21, 2010 January 23, 2011 February 27, 2011 March 13, 2011 April 17, 2011 May 15, 2011 * May 22, 2011 * Time hours 11:15 to 13:15 Place Hotel RAMADA RIMINI VILLA ROSA, Viale Vespucci, 71 - RIMINI * hours 10:00 to 12:30 via Roma, 7 - RIMINI Laboratories logical construction of the clinical case A student of the Institute has a case of its practice, as the conclusion of a job compared with his other colleagues, because it highlights a psychoanalyst and seize values \u200b\u200boperational in reference to the structure, the function of symptoms, diagnosis. Date November 20, 2010 January 22, 2011 February 26, 2011 March 12, 2011 April 16, 2011 Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Hotel Ramada Rimini Villa Rosa Viale Vespucci, 71 - RIMINI Coordinate GIULIANA Capannelle EZIO DE FRANCISCO, BRIGITTE LAFFAY, CHRISTIAN SANTINI, PASQUALE INDULGENCE _______________________________________________________________________________________ LECONFERENZEPUBBLICHE • Friday 19 November 2010 Speaker: LUISELLA BRUSA Opening hours 20:45 to 11:00 p.m. Location Buonarrivo Hall - Provincial Government Building, Corso d'Augusto 231 - Rimini • Friday, January 21, 2011 Speaker: Jean-Louis Gault Hours 20:45 - 23 : 00 Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini • Friday, February 25, 2011 Speaker: Carol La Sagna DEVAMBRECHIES-time hours 20:45 to 11:00 p.m. Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini • Friday, March 11, 2011 Speaker: MAXIMUM TERMS Opening hours 8:45 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini • Friday, April 15, 2011 Speaker: Esthela SOLANO SUAREZ-time hours 8:45 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini were required CME credits of the Freudian Field Antenna Rimini Organizing Viale Dardanelles, 11 - 47921 Rimini Mob. 335 8092575 E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ antennarn.istfreudiano @ Registration Application for admission must be sent no later than November 15, 2010 to the Organizing Secretariat (e-mail or mail). Registration will be in effect after the approval of the application and payment of the fee. Full price: € 300.00 Quote students: € 250.00 Coordination Commission Antonio Di Ciaccia, President of the Freudian Loretta Biondi, Phaedra Bucelli Coordinator, Coordinator Raffaele Calabria, Coordinator, Lecturer Maria Antonella Del Monaco, Coordinator, Professor responsible
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Causes Of Body Temp 96.5
Speech delivered on the occasion of the Day 18/09/2010 "Intercartelli" organized by the Secretariat of the SLP in Rimini and Bologna
"MY EXPERIENCE OF THE CARTEL" Domenico Cimino _________________________________________________________________________________ Some years ago I attended my first sign. There were four "plus one" and we worked together for about three years. The Cartel, as well as for analysis, requires a certain regularity and some effort. It 's a group where people meet regularly and work around an argument or a written, from many different angles between their subjective and you try to witness and to transmit its unique work that is done in solitude. The Cartel has to do with knowledge, but know what it is? When I think back to my university course I can testify to a different relationship with my knowledge. For me to know the university was the assimilation of a number of formulas to be repeated to those who would assess and, if approved through a symbolic act that would have allowed me to practice. University knowledge was for me a soporific know that did not include my subjectivity. I after the period of the University "desiring to receive a license as a driving school," as Lacan says about the training analyst. Then, once you reach the coveted title, I went looking for means by which practice as a psychologist. This research was outlined just why, but I do not even realize it, the knowledge accumulated at the University left me in a position of powerlessness and bewilderment. Then I met psychoanalysis. The knowledge in question is not the same sign in the university to know. What leads to knowledge, says Lacan, is not the desire to know, but the discourse of hysteria. In theory of "four discourses" conceptualized by Lacan, we know that are assigned to different fates depending on the discourse under consideration. In academic discourse, knowledge is placed in position of the dominant discourse, the place of the agent. The knowledge in the academic discourse is not only a position of command, but is also located above the bar of repression, under which we find, in place of truth, S1, the master signifier. In the discourse of the university, as regards knowledge, this is a managed knowledge, a theoretical knowledge, combined, whose truth is not the teaching, in fact the place of the agent is also called by Lacan appearance, but the attempt to control the one who teaches to the students. This does not mean that teaching is a dictator, but it is a discursive structure, therefore making social ties and group, in which knowledge is made and is conditioned by the act authorizing it (S1), which provides that there is identification. With regard to the discourse of hysteria, it is a discursive operation that is central to the analysand. For Lacan the subject in the discourse analysis must pass through hysterical because the symptom (S slash), interrogates the Master Signifier (S1) to produce a knowledge (S2). However, the knowledge produced is marked by the inability to limit which takes the place of truth, because that is the object of his desire. In the discourse of the analyst's place is occupied by knowing the truth (S2). The knowledge in this position means that the truth as you know is an enigma. In his speech analyst, he works through the interpretation of so allusive, enigmatic in a way that refers to a meaning but that, through a semi-say, push the subject to produce his knowledge to its limit. The subject in analysis through free association, in fact, is paradoxically forced to produce its own knowledge. So we can say that knowledge on to the cartel is not comparable to the knowledge of the discourse of the university, as this is an authoritative knowledge. He approaches the hysterical speech as prompts for the production of knowledge, but refers to knowledge of the analyst's speech because that speech is at stake from the knowledge of the subject and is limited. Lacan says that the analyst must renounce any temptation to respond even a little 'to the question, meaning that it must give up to promote the identification of the patient. The same warning appears to be the intent of Lacan's work to turn the school around the sign. The sign is no accident that the contemporary creation of the School. For Lacan it is impossible for psychoanalysts form a group and that is why we invented the poster. Miller notes that the creation of a small group to carry out the work of the School, Lacan intended to create a non-hierarchical work device, in which the identification was not the leader, the one who holds the knowledge. Lacan does not deny the fact that each group there will be a leader, but it does work as a leading moderate, poor. As for my place in the folder to which I attended, I was asked to approach the subject from which angle you choose. I decided to start from what at that time raised many questions in me. I left the job done in social and educational contact with children diagnosed with mental retardation. Working with these guys awakened in me many questions and could not be content merely to consider mental retardation as the result of a test. This dissatisfaction has been the engine of my work in and sign with other members, I have not found the answers, but I was able to recalibrate my position at work with these people. It 's interesting to note that in this phenomenon, the subject arises in respect of knowledge in a particular position. The person with mental retardation, Lacan's view, it makes it weak to leave the truth and know the place of the Other, and thus remain in a position where it is put into play the subjectivity.
"MY EXPERIENCE OF THE CARTEL" Domenico Cimino _________________________________________________________________________________ Some years ago I attended my first sign. There were four "plus one" and we worked together for about three years. The Cartel, as well as for analysis, requires a certain regularity and some effort. It 's a group where people meet regularly and work around an argument or a written, from many different angles between their subjective and you try to witness and to transmit its unique work that is done in solitude. The Cartel has to do with knowledge, but know what it is? When I think back to my university course I can testify to a different relationship with my knowledge. For me to know the university was the assimilation of a number of formulas to be repeated to those who would assess and, if approved through a symbolic act that would have allowed me to practice. University knowledge was for me a soporific know that did not include my subjectivity. I after the period of the University "desiring to receive a license as a driving school," as Lacan says about the training analyst. Then, once you reach the coveted title, I went looking for means by which practice as a psychologist. This research was outlined just why, but I do not even realize it, the knowledge accumulated at the University left me in a position of powerlessness and bewilderment. Then I met psychoanalysis. The knowledge in question is not the same sign in the university to know. What leads to knowledge, says Lacan, is not the desire to know, but the discourse of hysteria. In theory of "four discourses" conceptualized by Lacan, we know that are assigned to different fates depending on the discourse under consideration. In academic discourse, knowledge is placed in position of the dominant discourse, the place of the agent. The knowledge in the academic discourse is not only a position of command, but is also located above the bar of repression, under which we find, in place of truth, S1, the master signifier. In the discourse of the university, as regards knowledge, this is a managed knowledge, a theoretical knowledge, combined, whose truth is not the teaching, in fact the place of the agent is also called by Lacan appearance, but the attempt to control the one who teaches to the students. This does not mean that teaching is a dictator, but it is a discursive structure, therefore making social ties and group, in which knowledge is made and is conditioned by the act authorizing it (S1), which provides that there is identification. With regard to the discourse of hysteria, it is a discursive operation that is central to the analysand. For Lacan the subject in the discourse analysis must pass through hysterical because the symptom (S slash), interrogates the Master Signifier (S1) to produce a knowledge (S2). However, the knowledge produced is marked by the inability to limit which takes the place of truth, because that is the object of his desire. In the discourse of the analyst's place is occupied by knowing the truth (S2). The knowledge in this position means that the truth as you know is an enigma. In his speech analyst, he works through the interpretation of so allusive, enigmatic in a way that refers to a meaning but that, through a semi-say, push the subject to produce his knowledge to its limit. The subject in analysis through free association, in fact, is paradoxically forced to produce its own knowledge. So we can say that knowledge on to the cartel is not comparable to the knowledge of the discourse of the university, as this is an authoritative knowledge. He approaches the hysterical speech as prompts for the production of knowledge, but refers to knowledge of the analyst's speech because that speech is at stake from the knowledge of the subject and is limited. Lacan says that the analyst must renounce any temptation to respond even a little 'to the question, meaning that it must give up to promote the identification of the patient. The same warning appears to be the intent of Lacan's work to turn the school around the sign. The sign is no accident that the contemporary creation of the School. For Lacan it is impossible for psychoanalysts form a group and that is why we invented the poster. Miller notes that the creation of a small group to carry out the work of the School, Lacan intended to create a non-hierarchical work device, in which the identification was not the leader, the one who holds the knowledge. Lacan does not deny the fact that each group there will be a leader, but it does work as a leading moderate, poor. As for my place in the folder to which I attended, I was asked to approach the subject from which angle you choose. I decided to start from what at that time raised many questions in me. I left the job done in social and educational contact with children diagnosed with mental retardation. Working with these guys awakened in me many questions and could not be content merely to consider mental retardation as the result of a test. This dissatisfaction has been the engine of my work in and sign with other members, I have not found the answers, but I was able to recalibrate my position at work with these people. It 's interesting to note that in this phenomenon, the subject arises in respect of knowledge in a particular position. The person with mental retardation, Lacan's view, it makes it weak to leave the truth and know the place of the Other, and thus remain in a position where it is put into play the subjectivity.
Monday, October 4, 2010
How To Put On Double Loop Belt
Report of Jonah "Intercartelli" in Ravenna
Saturday, September 18, 2010 was held in Ravenna, a Study Day, sponsored by the Secretariat of the Bologna and Rimini and dedicated to the work of cartels. The first congratulations go to the speakers made cartellizzanti: all agility of their text, have witnessed the effect that the subjective logic of all non-producing cartel. Thanks, then, to discutants and moderators: their stresses and specific applications have also produced a lively debate from the public participant. Among the significant questions: how do you convey a knowledge that has to do with the unconscious? What is different with the knowledge produced by cartel compared to the university to know? A special thanks to the national coordinator of the signs, C. Viganò, the conclusions have been able to articulate subjectivity of knowledge and space of the cartel emerged in the final of the cartel, which is the written product. All in the frame of a beautiful reflection that the President of the SLP, P. Francesconi, has given us in his presentation of the day and return in this way, the truth is an anamorphic cartel know that it is already there and that through the work of a small group can become a new knowledge. We found it to life with a certain charm, a time for school. Regards Raffaele Calabria
Saturday, September 18, 2010 was held in Ravenna, a Study Day, sponsored by the Secretariat of the Bologna and Rimini and dedicated to the work of cartels. The first congratulations go to the speakers made cartellizzanti: all agility of their text, have witnessed the effect that the subjective logic of all non-producing cartel. Thanks, then, to discutants and moderators: their stresses and specific applications have also produced a lively debate from the public participant. Among the significant questions: how do you convey a knowledge that has to do with the unconscious? What is different with the knowledge produced by cartel compared to the university to know? A special thanks to the national coordinator of the signs, C. Viganò, the conclusions have been able to articulate subjectivity of knowledge and space of the cartel emerged in the final of the cartel, which is the written product. All in the frame of a beautiful reflection that the President of the SLP, P. Francesconi, has given us in his presentation of the day and return in this way, the truth is an anamorphic cartel know that it is already there and that through the work of a small group can become a new knowledge. We found it to life with a certain charm, a time for school. Regards Raffaele Calabria
Burping After The Stomach Bug
The book which is spoken: "Children and families".
Miquel Bassols Review of the book of the Freudian Field Antenna di Rimini "The child and the families," Marianna Matteoni, Pazzaglia Gabriele (ed.), Panozzo Editore, Rimini 2010. The book was published by the antenna of the Freudian Field of Rimini. It is the second in a collection organized by our colleagues and is dedicated to a beloved character, John Rosier, who died recently, and I had the pleasure to know better in a day's work in that city. John Rosier has meant to many of my colleagues in Rimini on the first meeting with the analytical result and had a prominent role in the creation of the center of the city of Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis Antenna and Rimini, where he was primarily responsible. His participation in the activities that led to this book makes it a document parlicolarmenrte poignant for all those who worked with him. The child then, and families. It is, in fact, the child in the singular, the plural families. The pluraltzzazione of family forms, which goes hand in hand with a pluralization of the symbolic function of changing names of the father, is addressed in this book through its many slopes in the clinic and nel1a theory. The study of the symbolic function of the father is the most discussed - the round table that opens the volume as well as in the work of other parties - and this symptom that indicates the value of this function takes nel1'attualità of new family ties. If the child is, according to the first formula Lacanian symptom of the parental couple, the father is also a symptom of new forms i1 family. The subject is treated from very different perspectives, and that is what gives this book a special value in the developments of the Freudian Field. The round table, with the theme "The father of the sacred and profane," includes activities of various participants as Aldo Amati (Vicar General of the Diocese of Rimini), Alessandro Giovanardi (scholar of sacred art and symbolic), Paolo Olmi (Director of 'orchestra) and Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (Psychoanalyst) under the chairmanship of already appointed John Rose. Just as the religious discourse claims that "children of God are not born, is not a creature" (p. 18), so the father ne1la its symbolic function should be "adopted" by the subject as a name of an enjoyment be lost to give him a place in the world. The student indicates the presence of sacred rather "mysterious and subtle [...] secret of the Father" who embodies a kind of "silence" in the scene with the family of Christian tradition (p. 15). The various portraits of his father, from father to father love evil, they look like different forms of that fact that Freud situates design as the place of his dead father in the language and Lacan formalized as the operator of the separation of children from the enjoyment of the mother. But what about the fate of famigiia for the subject than that must make (for themselves) as a separar1o its first objects to enable a constraint with its exterior? Back from there, the development of a first Jacques Lacan, before Lacan who began his teaching in 1953, is a necessary path to understanding the relevance of this feature of the family for the child and the child. The reference is more, in fact, its original text, the precursor of 1938 on "The Family in the complex formation dell'indiuiduo," and that even then gave account of the decline in the function father's experiences in the contemporary world. The volume devoted to this theme throughout the second part of valuable facts conmenti Esthela Solano, Massimo Terms, Virginio Baio, Lilia Mahjoub and Pierre-Gilles Guéguen. The debate is indeed very timely, because "today the family has become very fragile institution, an institution of which we can see new forms such as single-parent family in which there are two parents involved in child (p. 61). The study and comment by several clinical cases, the father stopped, passing his father in Hamlet or in the clinic until Gustav Mahlea autism beyond its reduction to organic disorder, may suggest the function father as necessary condition for the birth of the person in the family relationship, whatever form it takes. As written by Antonio Di Ciaccia in the presentation of the book: "After so bisosno I'essere human being has the father who, when they have it, at least when that did not have as stable reference point that acts as a pivot in its life, well, then she invented "(p. l2). It is with this invention, out of any nostalgia for the father, the child of our time is done by individual families should know that, finally, separation. Miquel Bassols (text published on The Psychoanalysis No. 46 - July-December 2009 - International Studies of the Freudian Field - Italian Journal of the European School of Psychoanalysis, publisher Astrolabe, p. 316-318). Translated by Bianca Maria Lenzi

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