Monday, October 4, 2010

Burping After The Stomach Bug

The book which is spoken: "Children and families".

Miquel Bassols Review of the book of the Freudian Field Antenna di Rimini "The child and the families," Marianna Matteoni, Pazzaglia Gabriele (ed.), Panozzo Editore, Rimini 2010. The book was published by the antenna of the Freudian Field of Rimini. It is the second in a collection organized by our colleagues and is dedicated to a beloved character, John Rosier, who died recently, and I had the pleasure to know better in a day's work in that city. John Rosier has meant to many of my colleagues in Rimini on the first meeting with the analytical result and had a prominent role in the creation of the center of the city of Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis Antenna and Rimini, where he was primarily responsible. His participation in the activities that led to this book makes it a document parlicolarmenrte poignant for all those who worked with him. The child then, and families. It is, in fact, the child in the singular, the plural families. The pluraltzzazione of family forms, which goes hand in hand with a pluralization of the symbolic function of changing names of the father, is addressed in this book through its many slopes in the clinic and nel1a theory. The study of the symbolic function of the father is the most discussed - the round table that opens the volume as well as in the work of other parties - and this symptom that indicates the value of this function takes nel1'attualità of new family ties. If the child is, according to the first formula Lacanian symptom of the parental couple, the father is also a symptom of new forms i1 family. The subject is treated from very different perspectives, and that is what gives this book a special value in the developments of the Freudian Field. The round table, with the theme "The father of the sacred and profane," includes activities of various participants as Aldo Amati (Vicar General of the Diocese of Rimini), Alessandro Giovanardi (scholar of sacred art and symbolic), Paolo Olmi (Director of 'orchestra) and Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (Psychoanalyst) under the chairmanship of already appointed John Rose. Just as the religious discourse claims that "children of God are not born, is not a creature" (p. 18), so the father ne1la its symbolic function should be "adopted" by the subject as a name of an enjoyment be lost to give him a place in the world. The student indicates the presence of sacred rather "mysterious and subtle [...] secret of the Father" who embodies a kind of "silence" in the scene with the family of Christian tradition (p. 15). The various portraits of his father, from father to father love evil, they look like different forms of that fact that Freud situates design as the place of his dead father in the language and Lacan formalized as the operator of the separation of children from the enjoyment of the mother. But what about the fate of famigiia for the subject than that must make (for themselves) as a separar1o its first objects to enable a constraint with its exterior? Back from there, the development of a first Jacques Lacan, before Lacan who began his teaching in 1953, is a necessary path to understanding the relevance of this feature of the family for the child and the child. The reference is more, in fact, its original text, the precursor of 1938 on "The Family in the complex formation dell'indiuiduo," and that even then gave account of the decline in the function father's experiences in the contemporary world. The volume devoted to this theme throughout the second part of valuable facts conmenti Esthela Solano, Massimo Terms, Virginio Baio, Lilia Mahjoub and Pierre-Gilles Guéguen. The debate is indeed very timely, because "today the family has become very fragile institution, an institution of which we can see new forms such as single-parent family in which there are two parents involved in child (p. 61). The study and comment by several clinical cases, the father stopped, passing his father in Hamlet or in the clinic until Gustav Mahlea autism beyond its reduction to organic disorder, may suggest the function father as necessary condition for the birth of the person in the family relationship, whatever form it takes. As written by Antonio Di Ciaccia in the presentation of the book: "After so bisosno I'essere human being has the father who, when they have it, at least when that did not have as stable reference point that acts as a pivot in its life, well, then she invented "(p. l2). It is with this invention, out of any nostalgia for the father, the child of our time is done by individual families should know that, finally, separation. Miquel Bassols (text published on The Psychoanalysis No. 46 - July-December 2009 - International Studies of the Freudian Field - Italian Journal of the European School of Psychoanalysis, publisher Astrolabe, p. 316-318). Translated by Bianca Maria Lenzi


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