"All we know so far is that it is something strange. Even in Louisiana, dead birds raining from the sky [...]. An autopsy on some of the birds revealed that the birds died from blood clots due to internal injuries. The problem is what may have caused these injuries experts [...]. Excluding the possibility of poisoning. [...]. And in America there ' who has assumed responsibility for the massacre is the so-called HAARP, the military and civil facilities for scientific research on the upper atmosphere and ionosphere and radio communications for military use. The installation in fact it would a transmitter capable of transmitting electromagnetic waves that might, in theory, have killed the birds, ". (From videocorriere: Moria of birds, the yellow is extended to Louisiana and Sweden .)
At last, the Italian press began to realize that something in this situation again. Of course, you might think, especially in Italy this can not happen, our birds are well ... Too bad you're a bit 'late, because it's already happened and precisely in Faenza, a few days ago. But to return to us, HAARP enough talk in detail.
What we want to understand now is: HAARP involved in the slaughter of birds and fish? We can not say for sure, but I can bring some evidence, let's call them "fragments of truth." As we all know, or maybe not, HAARP, as the article says, is an installation civilian and military, although this title applies only in an official capacity: in fact the "civilian" has very little. In fact, since there, the project has never presented any kind of documentation showing that in fact they were simply conducting surveys or studies only on the ionosphere. A major reason lies in one of the most inaccessible places on the planet, Gakona (Alaska).
has more than 200 antennas, but not only in Alaska, there are many other around the globe, for example, in Europe there is an installation HAARP in Norway. There are many in Asia, even where there were no unusual deaths of birds and fish. There is not even one in Africa, where, guess what, 'there are no scandals. viewing this map on Google Maps, you can watch parts of the world affected by mass extinctions. Try to make a comparison with the map below.

This map shows where the most important stations HAARP. Note that these are the same geographical areas where mysterious deaths have been recorded? And then another question to ask is: why only certain types of birds die, and why only certain species of fish? The installation of Gakona
enter daily exorbitant amount of radio waves, ELF and ULF in the ionosphere, the highest part of Earth's atmosphere, it is so low and very low frequency (Extremely Low Frequency - Ultra Low Frequency with a minimum to a maximum of 3 Hz to 3000 Hz), both are considered to be electromagnetic waves. Widely
were discharged the impact it could have on health that exposure to these waves, and the results are not encouraging: not only HAARP is capable of generating large-scale seismic events (see Haiti), but the second one study by a University of Arizona electromagnetic waves can affect mood and brain activity. A wave of 6.5 Hz due to depression, a mood of 7 Hz, 5 Hz have serious effects on mental health: the deeper you go, the more serious diagnosis.
We know that animals, especially birds, are very sensitive to these waves, are generally able to perceive earthquakes before us humans, they are more of our sensory faculties. So it is also likely to think that exposure to massive waves of low frequency would "send to tilt their nervous system much faster than it can happen to us.
In conclusion: there really is HAARP behind the memory of birds? We do not have the litmus test, so it can not answer yet, but let's see what they think the media and, therefore, us. In first place among the likely causes of the massacres, there is the poisoning ... you've never heard of a poison that kills a single species of fish or birds? Not me.
Second place: collisions with light cables for birds and fish pollution ... I admit that in some cases these assumptions can not be excluded, but the cables are light for a while, 'I am not aware that in past years there have been massive die-offs of birds for this reason. The same goes for the fish.
In third place (my favorite, brace yourselves): the mortality of birds would be due to the incessant hail of this winter ... Having said that I have not even seen a hailstone this winter (this?), but do you think regular readers of newspapers, also hails underwater?
Many resort to show disdain and contempt toward the so-called "conspiracy" by claiming to be good only for imaginative theories without any scientific evidence (information is absolutely false), but I do not think the media is less, for that matter, given that certain stories are invented, about the death of these animals, which are neither in heaven nor on earth.
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