Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Large Plastic Santa Claus

Hakuna Matata - Meatloaf

Loaf, originally uploaded by the sandwich.

Mediaset Dicembrino Punctual as the schedule (which includes at least once Mom Alone 1 and 2 and The Grinch) and panettone and pandori on supermarket shelves (valuable package which also includes champagne Gancia ), comes every year, together with Christmas, the Disney film year. True cinematic masterpieces were born from the genius minds of Disney writers, children and families to cheer attached, equipped with giant bags of popcorn on the seats and magnificence of the multiplex. I remember that the fim Disney was expected from me more or less like the arrival of Santa Claus: even the first time I set foot in a cinema, was to go see Beauty and the Beast . Those stories have stirred up my own - in itself, vivid imagination as well as playing with dolls and Playmobil, even improvised one of the real sketch , playing alternately Prince Philip / Princess Aurora (see The Sleeping Beauty), while finding in extreme difficulties in the awakening kiss, I have not made even miss the Barbie / Ken and the beautiful Pocahontas / John Smith, biondazzo at the time of the massacre became more hearts of Leonardo Di Caprio in Titanic . Those songs have graced my bathroom and sitting at my shower: I still remember the verses of "Circle of Life", sung by Ivana Spagna for Lion King (still doubt the beginning "Naaagoregnaaa Obadia obadààà ... ), and the beautiful songs of "Beauty and the Beast with a lot of teapots and dancing candelabras. Those scripts I have made known, unwittingly at first, the plot of many literary classics, such as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame or A Christmas Carol (Master's interpretation of Uncle Scrooge at the greed and selfish Scrooge) and perhaps, apart from my cat, Clementine, the only animals that are the ones I really loved the Disney that tenderness of Aristocats kittens , not to mention Lady and the Tramp (I also had their plush, with whom she talks funny)! Not to mention the lessons of selflessness, courage and loyalty that children can learn from the plots of movies question. However, it must be said that in recent times, with the advent of digital technology, Disney has let a little 'quirks take from three-dimensional movies are more and more often to be seen with special glasses that allow for 3D a big headache, the designs are exclusively the result of the graphic in pixels and megapixels, the stories are inconsistent and discounts (for example, I did not like Atlantis own). Whereas before I had to promise not to miss even a Disney movie, although the age would make it a bit 'pathetic and it was better to give up her seat in the smallest room, I think the new turn taken by the blockbuster Disney has dissuaded me from my noble aim of keeping high the banner of my romantic imagination. But I am pleasantly surprised when the other day, I saw a newspaper advertisement from Disney's planned for this Christmas: The Princess and the Frog . First, positive is the fact that the creators are those The Little Mermaid and Aladdin . Then, the protagonist is, after so many stories of adventure and mystery, a princess princesses Disney heroines were to me, a little 'for someone like Joan of Arc or Audrey Hepburn. Belle was my favorite (I dreamed of a library like the one that gives the Beast!), But also adored Aurora (probably feeling a bit 'envy of his wonderful blond curls and those fairies that they were always around), Jasmine (she managed to tame a tiger), Pocahontas (the wild spirit that can not crown his love story, a sequel to part, but you know, the sequel are more and more poor) and Cinderella, Ariel I was very nice (with its "curl-dives"); Snow White was not in my own little thanks for his keen insight (and, paradoxically, are compared to her appearance, or at least when I was bob hair!) The new princess is named Tiana, is a woman who dreams of a career (opening a restaurant, incidentally), determined, left-handed, but most of all ... African-American! The new film marks a turning point, since the princess is black, and the creators swear they had thought about well before the appearance on stage with the well-known Barack Obama's wife Michelle (the time required for an animated film are very long, we are talking about years). The story of the famous Grimm, revisited: New Orleans arrived in the '20s in search of jazz, Prince Naveen is transformed into a frog by a witch. Convinced that it should be the kiss of a princess to return to his human form, convinces Tiana to be kissed, but doing so is to transform herself into a frog. While Disney has been accused of racism because Tiana by humble servant can redeem proving to be a princess (which always happens, Just think of Cinderella or Belle), I think it is a sign of changing times, and I can do is support the choice of making of the film. You know what? I almost respect the tradition this year ... :)

In memory of spaghetti eaten from Lady and the Tramp, which move the meatballs in spaghetti sauce to the nose and kiss each other through a wire accomplice of pasta, you now place the meatloaf recipe from my mom. A versatile dish that meets the tastes of everyone, even those children most capricious and distrustful of the food.


Ingredients for 4 people 400 g ground lean

8 slices of bread (or, in light of the variants 2 ounces of cheese or 4 slices of bread with 1 pound of boiled spinach or chard)

a glass of milk 1 small bunch of parsley 1 egg

tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1 pinch of nutmeg salt and pepper

a knob of butter breadcrumbs


Depriving the slices of bread crust soaked in milk and squeeze gently. Combine the egg and whisk together the bread now reduced to a pulp. Add salt and pepper to taste, nutmeg and parsley, finely chopped, then the ground, mix well. Grease a baking pan of 22 cm in diameter and sprinkle with bread crumbs, then put the dough and smooth it over. Sprinkle again with breadcrumbs and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 25 min. After the oven, cut into diamond shapes and serve.
The same dough can be made into balls to be baked in the oven or fried, or to add meatballs with tomato sauce as a condiment for pasta.


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