Scientism is the attitude that leads some scientists, however talented, to deny a priori any validity to many phenomena that are the heritage instead of the direct experience of many ordinary people, and to denigrate those who endeavor to investigate these phenomena.
All of them, in the jargon, are called debunkers (ie "disassembler") and one of their techniques to convince the skeptic includes the most shameful and blatant denial of the intentional distortion of reasoning. When this procedure is excessive, the debunkers will give a rational explanation (forced) totally nihilistic.
These "champions of reason" have recently joined forces in a committee, CICAP (Italian Committee for the control of Claims of the Paranormal) to verify the reliability of alleged paranormal phenomena, and so far nothing bad at all!
But the necessary objectivity that animates the "masters of truth" has quickly given way to an attitude purely deniers, in fact, using his charisma, become ill, but solid, CICAP dedicated to progressively deny any phenomenon, theory or thought that might upset the status quo and power requirements.
In fact, if we go to check on their site, scoprimo that: "Crop circles - not a mystery. UFOs - not a mystery. The chemtrails - never existed. The pseudo-science - Is a bunch of nonsense. (And, of course) plots - does not exist. "Everyone, from first to last, are the fruit of a sick imagination of the people. I must therefore assume that they are a psychopath and I suffer from paranoia! (And to think that all this time I do not had not noticed).
As if that were not enough to deny these phenomena do not only unnecessary sociological analysis, combined with false or distorted, but are also totally unfounded allegations, ignoring the issues to which they are subject, but acting discriminate against all those who believe in such paranormal phenomena (and plots).
seems to be in the last century where all the leaders of science were clearly sciettici, but now times have changed!
For example carried the sad story of Mr. Chaldni (physical) supporter cosmic origin of meteorites. One hundred years ago, however, his fellow "scientists" decreed that theory, even crazy, explaining that "to believe that the rocks could fall from the sky on Earth is ridiculous." In so doing, began a true work of discrimination against Chaldni. Today, you know, meteorites fall from the sky, and how! Notice how the
CICAP exploited for their benefit, as well as their alleged sociological analysis:
Ironically, the conspiracy theories have a story rassicuraante
of reality. (Episode of The Discovery Channel 30 July 2009)
so I think our governments lie to us every day, are capable of killing millions of people in cold blood, and then continue to hide everything until the end of their days, should be reassuring! It 's really a perfect reasoning!
Our conclusion is instead the following: Conspiracy theories arise because, faced with certain official versions lack credibility, journalists pretend to nothing and instead should investigate how to clarify obscure points in the thousands, are dedicated to research sociological ridiculous and unfounded, filling in the meantime the CRT colossal lie.
To learn more about scientism: http://www.biolifestyle.org/it/index.php?pid=187
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