Absite iniuria verbis
Nothing is easier than hiding the truth.
In the episode of July 30 of two years ago, Piero Angela dedicated service on the claims of the paranormal, the conspiracies, and UFOs: of course this is a very comfortable not to deal directly and thoroughly with any of these theories. Our champions of CICAP could not miss. In the post below there are some statements about UFOs Angela trying to determine whether or not they correspond to the truth.
Despite being a journalist, Mr. Piero Angela does not show much at all declared the "scientific conscience", also his team's CICAP even come to deny the existence of the Flying Objects classify them all as "visions", ignoring even the remote possibility of the presence of life on other worlds. Science, however, has often commented on the life in the Universe, because Piero Angela, however, seems to be so sure that UFOs do not exist?
E 'reasonable to think that there are other life forms around the Cosmos, how is it that these are the most advanced of us even managed to cross the galaxies. But no! According to Angela none of this is acceptable. Now we come to its salient phrases:
"Several years ago, said on television [that Italian!] a program on the UFO phenomenon of trying to figure out why it was so widespread that belief. As we know from the U.S. Air Force since 1947 he opened a service to cover all the comments made by individuals on flying saucers, and the reason was to determine whether the Soviets were not, perhaps have, trying some new type of aircraft. "
Angela says the registry service came to find out whether the UFOs were the Russians, because they still want to deny the existence of an inexplicable phenomenon, unknown but the first to be spot, in that case, it was the U.S. military. In an old interview, Shirley MacLaine says that:
I was 8 years old. UFOs flew over the capital and the White House in July of 1952, I marked in my diary. Nobody knew what they were, the exchanges went mad, everyone was confused ... A few days later Truman, who was then president, he sent General Sanford on TV, I still have the picture tube. He said: "I'm not Russian, are not ours, we do not know what they are."
For the record the "register" as Angela calls it, would be the so-called Project "Sign" (signal), which officially was to explain in a rational way of UFO sightings. There was However, a considerable embarrassment when even the military were able to explain many of these. Now back to SuperQuark :
" [...] And this section was in operation for many years without any comments from flying saucers were confirmed."
This is the second false Piero Angela, but to deny that the UFO phenomenon, told a blatant lie. In 1969, in fact, the Project Grudge was completed and published under the name of more attrente "Progect Blue-Book." There were listed more than 12000 cases to observe many of which were explained with containing natural phenomena, cases of hallucinations or airplanes land. There were, however, more than 700 cases that were not even the military able to explain.
"He then spread the voice of the U.S. Air Force held secret these cards and did not want to know the truth, indeed, that he had also hidden the pieces of machinery and perhaps even an extraterrestrial alien pilot. Of course this was promptly denied ... "
We see, however, as he was denied the news. Remember, of course, the interview with Frankie Rowe, who at the age of eleven he had seen the remains of a spaceship crash and who then received a visit from a nice little military did not say his name:
had this baton or stick or whatever it was ... and beat him in the hand. Whenever said something flapping in his hand. And he said, "You know that you've never been in that place." I did not understand what he meant and rispodevo: "Yes we have been." And he said, "No, we've been." And I said, "Yes, I was there!" And he replied: "I'll want to stick in your head? You've never seen anything ... you were not there, you know nothing." And then he added: "This desert is very big, you know if we have for you in half and no one will ever find your bodies. They will remain only the bones and no one will know what happened to you."
Again Angela:
spread "[...] But the idea of \u200b\u200ba conspiracy of silence to keep the population in the dark about what had been discovered "
This is true, but you forget Angela here to tell us that this news was later confirmed. Think of the last interview with Jesse Marcel. While the historical confirmation conspiracy of silence is a series of historical documents that emerged recently. In fact, Truman stood before the commission of the Robertson Pannel, which had as its primary goal the task to keep hidden from the public the truth about UFOs. In particular suggested use media (radio, newspapers and television) to systematically deny each new case of sighting. For the first time, appeared in an official document of the word "debunking" ie the activity of removing the possibility of conspiracy.
It seems that Angela has always tried to do that ignores and distorts historical facts been determined who presents us with the clear purpose of continuing to deny the UFO phenomenon as a whole. Now the last great contradiction:
"I met the head of this service, who told me that any effort to explain that behind there was nothing and is useless in a country like [...] the U.S. a secret like that would have been impossible to keep. "
The director of that project was Hectare Quintanilla, that is precisely the person appointed by the U.S. government to deny the ever increasing number of sightings. It 's a bit like Piero Angela, had approached the head of the Warren Commission, which went down in history for having covered up the truth about the Kennedy case, to know who had killed the president.
At this point I turn to those who have come to light so far, provided that they have never started: The attitude of Angela seems still upright? Why, for example, our champion of the scientific method has addressed MUFON, an organization that for over 40 years studied and cataloged in the true scientific rigor, the cases of UFO sightings?
I leave you with these questions in hope you understand that corruption is rampant on television now everywhere and it becomes increasingly difficult to trust someone.

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