Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cards For Godmotherschristening

Secretariat: Speech delivered on the occasion of the day in preparation for the Conference Turin 2010 "FROM THE UNCONSCIOUS"

Can an institution from the psychoanalytic unconscious? M. Antonella Del Monaco Beginning with a premise: To me, the School embodies significant agalmatico value, and locate the vehicle for my desire for psychoanalysis, for the School, what Lacan, founded in a position of isolation from its relationship with the analytical result. For this my thanks go first, to "the small group" of his students, who created the ECF, has chosen to continue with school and with the pass trying "to prove that these concepts are an integral part of his teaching remove them completely and that is to underestimate its logic. "It is solely from my desire for the School of Lacan that originated this work. **** Theoretical coordinates of this work: 1. Marco Focchi, from the unconscious. 2. JA Miller, Lacan's school, in explanation on Lacan, Antigone Editions, 2008. 3. JA Miller, Lacan's Seminar policy, in the Clipboard N: 59,62,66,67,69. Focchi Marco, President of our school, introducing the topic of the next meeting to be held in Turin, from the unconscious, says that is a matter "essentially political", because it puts a line of demarcation between - "a on this side "- the location, the choice of the School of Psychoanalysis, where they place on the side of the unconscious - a" beyond "-" officials of normality ", which aim to forcludere the subject. It seems to me, that 'the political' is so placed, to mark the different location, the contrast between the psychoanalytic discourse and the discourse of the master. The first logically attributed to the School, the second place of the emblem out of it. With this speech - from the two texts that I have worked and the situation that our school is currently going through - and I would like to bring to question the political issue, "inside" the institution "in that relationship is the establishment in structure, with the psychoanalytic discourse and the discourse of the master? Put another way: Can an institution from the psychoanalytic unconscious? Institution that encourages or at least does not put obstacles to the psychoanalytic discourse? It is a question that arises at the level of logic, that I post and I refer you, limiting myself today to highlight a few items: 1. "Lacan's career, as well as rebuilds JAM Seminar in Lacanian policy, 2. acts committed by Lacan, 3. As Miller writes in The School of Lacan: "The establishment of psychoanalytic training antinomian than the psychoanalytic discourse." 1. "Lacan's career." It scans the resume briefly: - in '53 is the splitting of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris: Lacan goes away and is out of the IPA. - Become a part of the French Society of Psychoanalysis. Years later, the SFP will ask for admission to the IPA and the '59 will be overseen by the IPA. - In '63 the excommunication - a directive on the IPA-SFP forbids him to "hold the status of training analyst, that is to train psychoanalysts. - In '64 he founded the Ecole de Paris freudienne. - In '67 pass his proposal is rejected by the AE and AME of the School. - Will be upheld in '69 when will propose to the entire school, even non-vote by analysts. A considerable number of notables will be gone. - In the 80s there is dissolution. - In '81 the failure to form a new school, forcing him to adopt the Ecole de la Cause freudienne. I wonder: What, in this sequence of events is due to the very structure of the psychoanalytic institution? What is opposed to the structure of psychoanalytic discourse and puts obstacles? ***** 2. From 1953 to 1963 - due to its exit from the SPP - will start his teaching see the "return to Freud," which aims to restore the understanding of psychoanalysis. Since '63 Lacan "deals with the institutional consequences of his teaching - his teaching is to outline a certain type of institution-and gives its consequences for teaching institution ": a new type of association, the school, a new way to work, the billboard, the pass by which a new definition of the psychoanalyst. "It's not doing petty political analyst who becomes the school, but doing their analysis. [..] Be in sight, have been busy for the dissemination of psychoanalysis, are things that do not give any credit analyst to become the School. Lacan was able to thus support the institution. Can you really say that such an institution promotes the psychoanalytic discourse, and thus fosters the analysis. "We could then say that he has created an institution from the unconscious. Because at some point something is opposed? And what? Miller makes us see the position of Lacan, as he considers the events of '63 as a result of a deviation within psychoanalysis, created by the conviction that we can know in advance what an analyst in the psychoanalytic field is not can produce nothing more than conformity. The deviation is due to the fact that the institution is a knowing, IPA SA what is psychoanalysis, what is an analyst and the assertion of orthodoxy. Lacan's response will therefore replace the company with the school or an institution which has the distinction of not knowing what one analyst. Arising out of it two consequences: the opening to the non-analyst, as is the sign of this ignorance and transformation in work: the pass. It then creates an institution more suited to the structure of the unconscious: there is a gap in knowledge, in knowing there is something you can not know which is the unconscious knowledge. I would now like to refer to the double value of the Pass, as Miller puts it well to the fore: the pass allows you to include a lack in the institution: "An institution that includes the pass is formed around a lack, around the 'bar, around a not-knowing that Lacan called the School. "The pass allows you to include in the analytic setting up:" The step also installs the psychoanalytic establishment in the heart of psychoanalytic experience ", because the analysand speaks of its analysis to an instance of the School. After the excommunication del'63 Lacan makes a disjunction, "considered to be able to separate the discovery of the unconscious, psychoanalysis one hand, and the IPA." Breaks the identity, equivalence, Psychoanalysis - IPA, separating it from psychoanalysis. • PSYCHOANALYSIS = IPA or IPA PSYCHOANALYSIS ≠ disjunction that it will happen again in '69 - as a result of opposition to his proposal of the pass. Lacan notes that the school is not in the aims that the successful trial, "There is psychoanalysis, and there is the school, and especially not to confuse the two. The aim is to psychoanalysis, the school is only half ... "• PSYCHOANALYSIS SCHOOL ≠" is not that an association like the others "," made up of individuals with which we must negotiate. " ***** 3. It is interesting to note that Miller be placed in the right place for the word "institution" put it in with the words "subjective destitution." He emphasizes that each institution is an attempt to establish another in which the subject may find a place and how those analyzing / you perceive to be more a lack, sucking even more to have a place in the Other. "[...] Not knowing what the analyst would like even more the status of a member, secretary, president." Compared to this point, had previously suggested that "as the basis [...] that dominates the institutional question of psychoanalysis [is located], the formula that the analyst does not exist." "The significant analyst is structured as a signifier of the bar (A). "As he explained that by the end of analysis is produced disessere Other. It is in relation to these elements, in this sense that it is his statement? "The establishment of psychoanalytic training is so antinomian than the psychoanalytic discourse: this is a fact. It is also a fact that every psychoanalytic group is a defense against the psychoanalytic discourse. "In conclusion a few lines later:" We must take the facts associated as a consequence of the psychoanalytic discourse. "Psychoanalyst State SLP. J-A.Miller, School of Lacan, in explanation on Lacan, Antigone Editions, 2008, p.342. Ibid, p.334. JA Miller, Lacan's Seminar policy, in Notes No. 66, p.2. J-A.Miller, School of Lacan, in explanation on Lacan, Antigone Editions, 2008, p.337. Ibid, p.341. Ibid, p.336. Ibid, p.336. JAMiller, Lacan Seminar policy, in Notes No. 59, p. 16 J. Lacan, L'adresse du juri, in Sem. Lacanian policy, in Notes 66, p. 11 JAMiller, Lacan Seminar policy, in Notes 66, p. 12. J. Lacan, L'adresse du juri, in Sem. Lacanian policy, in Notes 66, p. 11-A.Miller J., School of Lacan, in explanation on Lacan, Antigone Editions, 2008, p.334. J-A.Miller, School of Lacan, in Explanation on Lacan, Antigone Editions, 2008, p.332. Ibid, p.333. Ibid, p.334.


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