Tomorrow ends the year: another begins with all the expectations, dreams, projects, desires that always means a new beginning. Issue, most of the Rubik's cube or the mystery of Fatima, is to spend the New Year, the first and the second after midnight on December 31, 2009. Where to drink a toast to 2010, where overdo the champagne, where laugh and be happy. Yes, because the imperative of every New Year, it seems just to have fun necessarily . We organize celebrations of all kinds, can be booked flights flights to Barcelona or Paris or London, preparing dinners, we are surrounded by people who know more or less well, or do not know at all. Result? Usually the revelry of December 31 are not so much better than other festivals that are held throughout the year, indeed (I, for instance, I never overly enjoy that night) also occur many times sad and dramatic situations caused by firecrackers and fireworks hurt employees, the chaos that is created in cities, the unhealthy idea of \u200b\u200bfun that some people have. However, the whole world goes crazy for the event, which almost never rained good intentions will be prosecuted, the glasses are raised and we toast the year to come: what will 2010 bring? Although the prospects are not among the most optimistic, we hope the best. Always and only the best .
to wish you a happy new year, I thought about my invention of this Zodiac Gourmet, where you can find your horoscope for the new year and the characteristics of your sign, coupled with the recipe on my blog that appeals to you more. Greetings!
Aries: year in which the fruits of 2009, there will be surprises in the field of labor and love and respect the people you are close to them will be a valuable reference point and not have to do without less. Aries
The individual needs to act and to organize, is original and refuses to be organized or dominated by others. It may be selfish, is brave and learns quickly and is not a good diplomat, and sometimes it is too proud. He has great strength and can stand up to any situation.
Aries so I dedicate a dish of substance, my meatloaf .
Toro: sign that the year 2010 will have a positive influence in all fields, starting with the work to continue to love. Do not miss the opportunities that this year will not fail, and take the opportunity to expand your reporting environment.
It 's a sign of very stable where there are a lot of stubbornness and possessiveness. Its greatest virtue is patience, as well as consistency. Born in the sign of Taurus is tenacious in pursuing a goal, people are loyal, albeit with some weaknesses: the possessive nature, the total lack of self-criticism that led him to a sort of presumption. For a flat
Toro genuine and true spaghetti with artichokes and cherry tomatoes .
Twins: recovering from a 2009 not very happy. The new year will be sweeter than the previous one even though there are imperfections, you will regain the confidence that we had failed. You will need to be able to renew old relationships with the new that you have learned from experience. You will enjoy good health, but not too so enjoy.
The Twins are restless, they think very quickly and are too impatient to learn everything quickly. I can do more things than those who are thinking the same moment, have a great dialectic that often helps to mask its faults and shortcomings. The Twins love oasis of peace and rest and fresh air. One of the peculiarities Gemini is: when is dominated by an idea to it right away to put it into practice, without thinking about the consequences that can have its shares or the morality of them. Are sometimes a bit 'too arrogant and nervous.
In their oases, the Twins will surely appreciate enjoy a nice plate of salad cuttlefish.
Cancer 2010, will bring some surprises not always positive and disturbance, the field work will require greater commitment and love to reap the fruits of 2009, which, if you have been able to remain calm in times less easy, and many could be not insignificant.
This is the sign of motherhood, the tenacity, the deep feeling of melancholy and irritability. It 's a sign of difficult and sometimes mysterious. He lives between two worlds, the external seen as dangerous and feared, and the internal, full of memories, imagination and feelings. E 'in the balance between these two worlds, when reality becomes too unpleasant, takes refuge in tomorrow hoping that his dreams can become reality. Tomorrow is his protection. These people, in an apparent calm and imperturbable, taciturn but conceal a restless, thoughtful. The distinctive characteristics of the sign are very soft, fidelity (against friends for the most part), intuitive skills and a good memory. The changing nature is proverbial, typical for them to be unstable and meteorosensitivity like few others.
For Cancer, a nice plate of gnocchi to eat at home.
Leone: will come true the projects on which he had worked so hard, thanks to finally gained a new maturity. To make informed choices regarding the money and will live with the positive inertia of last year.
Leo is the sign of power. Denotes will and determination combined with kindness. This sign has a strongly pronounced ego that tends to excel in all circumstances. The natives of the sign are born leaders, but do not like to win too easily, they are aware of their value and love to be appreciated. Externalization, ambition, authority, vitality, pride, loyalty and generosity are its basic characteristics. All these features are unique to life on earth and they all have one thing in common: the will, understood in the fullest sense of the word. The same will, if negativity leads to love, easy to anger, pride, tyranny, quest for glory at all costs, the tendency to dramatize, even to recite (in life). What amazes most infants born under the sign of Leo is the extraordinary self-confidence. The Lion is also the sign of education, children, glory, celebrity Art.
For Leo, a dish with a strong taste and defined the ' chicken salad with peppers and almonds .
Virgin year 2010 a very positive sign for this, to take this opportunity to do long term projects on several fronts: emotional investment as well as work projects. A 2010 full of luck, but you try not to neglect your health during the winter could bring some surprises that you try not too somatization. Horoscope 2010 as a whole very positive.
Those born under the sign of Virgo are very caring, conscientious and love the precise work, I am very analytical and often overly critical. The widespread and consistent feature of the Virgin is his common sense that shares the doubt and unease, intelligence, and always rational criticism, which acts as a catalyst. Virgo likes to be a victim but generally the attitude is small, has good sense and it is sad, a bit 'in the absence of imagination redeems itself with the ambition but difficult to accept the opinions of others. The Virgin hates to act with precipitation, not imponetegli never to act quickly, must have time to test all things coolly, patiently, meticulously, hard to bear for those who are not located in the same size. At
Virgo dedicate a dessert taste clean, madeleines .
Scale: year is not too difficult, it will pass so quickly that even you know it, but it will require patience and perseverance. Do not venture into new areas and try to live annuities in 2009. Care and caution are essential. But your horoscope for 2010 as a whole is undoubtedly positive.
Those born under the sign of the research budget balance above all else. They act in the best way of social relationships are very practical, casual and without bias, as well as having lots of charm. Strategists are born and can be completely impersonal. Librans are generally of good looks and love the richness and success. Libra a bit 'lazy and listless, she loves the compliments, he likes the luxury and comfort, loves to surround himself with expensive items and everything is fine.
For the elegant balance, a balance of taste and color: cups of cream and strawberry jelly .
Scorpio: there will be many occasions not to be missed, to be able to catch lucky that the year 2010 will bring many surprises exploited only with adequate openness. Do not miss good opportunities because of laziness or fear of novelty: each left is lost, and 2010 and I'll prove it.
Those born under the sign of Scorpio are resourceful, deep, serious and have a strong physical magnetism. They are often authoritarian and have the ability to discover the weakness of others. Are prone to a lack of tact, even if they are surprised when it is clear that they have offended someone. They are very possessive and able to feel intense emotions. Another typical characteristic is the will of the sign, as is the touchiness. A great quality of the sign is, instead, the drive to leave no stone unturned to try to overcome themselves and get to know.
Scorpio council to explore the universe of taste, curry rice with shrimp and bean sprouts .
Sagittarius: the great fortunes of the previous year 2009 will not be repeated in 2010 and will be essential to know how to readjust to normal. Knowing how to deal with the bad luck with the experience gained in the past, but we are not so dramatic, your horoscope for 2010 can be interpreted as simply a return to everyday life, particularly from the third semester of the year.
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are full of confidence, happy, cheerful and very blunt. They have a very active mind, but are prone to distraction, because they lack discipline and do not like to focus on something too long. They are great athletes, who love animals, travel and long walks. Common features are a sign of optimism, confidence, enthusiasm, vitality, intuition, the contempt of danger, independence, wisdom, character is a total optimist, which has in itself the ability to be a great talker but a bad listener.
To start real optimistic the day, nothing better for a slice of the Sagittarius soft and delicious cheesecake .
Capricorn: 2010 is an opportunity to go into the future and forget the past. Changes that will bring much happiness, prosperity, and desire to live life, like maybe you wanted to do in 2009 but there has not always been possible. Your situation could be the turning point in the emotional second half of 2010.
Those born under the sign of Capricorn are known to be of great diplomats. They can be responsible, but also materialistic and often pessimistic. They tend to be a bit 'snobby, eager to reach the Social Summit and thanks to their infinite patience, they also know how to cultivate the right people to help them achieve their goals. The ambition to achieve social summit is always present in every case in this sign and obeys two strong imperatives: pride and lust for power.
to maintain their friendships, I suggest to eat in the company of Capricorn muffins with dried tomatoes.
Aquarium: concentrate on the pleasures of life and forget the year 2009 not much luck. This is a year to reflect and think about your future, but there are good opportunities to show others who you are. Your job situation will improve significantly in the second quarter.
The power of the Aquarius comes from the intellect. They are detached, impersonal, and believe in social justice. Are generally stable, but are prone to sudden changes of opinions, ideas, thoughts and plans. They have a great need for freedom and thus can better fulfill their destiny in relationships based on friendship. In their personality is a dreamer and as misleading and also show a sense of respect and logic. Aquarius is the sign of loneliness and consequently the natives find themselves getting a little 'blocks. Aquarians are honest and faithful, and in general good health. Who belongs to this common sign of originality and independence, an abnormality also pushed to excess, which can cause violent mood swings and can make the absurd, the unexpected and unpredictable. The touchiness is distinctive sign; the individual is always trying to assert its freedom to be and act.
For Aquarium an original dessert and the audacity combination of flavors: lau citron tarts meringuée .
Fish: a 2010 full of Fortunately that will give much satisfaction from the emotional side, a lot of satisfaction will be given by friends even if your rationality will be tested, and the fortunes that will occur will be difficult to assess.
the fish lack the ability to establish and set a direction. They are emotional and sensitive and can be influenced either positively or not. Because they are very understanding and believe in the goodness of others, often fail to be practical and realistic. Since they tend to self-destruct, they are vulnerable and lack of self-defense mechanisms. They are also confidential, you can not know them intimately and often know themselves. The character of those born under the sign of Pisces is quite contradictory and often incomprehensible even to those who do not have the same mentality. This sign is very sensitive individuals on the momentum and sacrifice, which in itself is a great desire to help others and also give individuals an excessive dose of fatalism and laziness, love of the easy life. For the dedicated Fish
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