Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
How To Reverse Hypopigmentation
"What does the woman?" Comedy and drama of sexual difference in the pursuit of happiness. Rapporteur: Luis Brusa ____________________________________________________________________ ITS TITLE AGAIN THE ENIGMA-A ROCKY AND 'THE PATH OF FREUD ARRIVED, THAT': "WHO WANTS A WOMAN?" Psychoanalysis has made progress in this regard? Absolutely. We can say that psychoanalysis rises with the rise of this same question "What does the woman?" Question that Freud extracted from the unconscious and made loud and clear. It 's a question from a purely modern, which appears with a fracture that modernity brings in Jewish Christian tradition, our own. E 'Lacan was to have the question of Freud's historical context and to have solved the riddle. Psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic experience of each, if carried through, leading to the solution of the question. HAPPINESS '... MANY THE PROMISE. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE PSYCHOANALYSIS? E 'A GOAL TO REACH? Psychoanalysis is not the promise, and its discrepancy with the psychotherapy market. On the other hand one can safely say that the reach. The middle path, which is that of an 'analysis, radically transforms the chemical components of happiness. That is impossible because it is initially composed of an explosive mixture, the subject thinks giving more and more to approach it suffers, and this is due to what psychoanalysis calls the death instinct. By analyzing the chemicals subject - I keep this metaphor that makes it a good idea - change. The component of the death instinct becomes lighter and the subject can arrivarei its destination, that has since changed the mix, it is no longer explosive, is lightened, it is emptied, it has become what Lacan indicates the name of desire. Happiness is living your desire is not an orgy of pleasure. And as such is attainable, is the true end of unanalisi. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE THAT SEXUAL CONCERNS The Pursuit of Happyness'? Love, couple, marriage, divorce, rimatrimonio are all attempts, sometimes clumsy, that people make to seek happiness from sexual difference. The loneliness and lack that mark each of us in his position sexual, we are looking for a balm in the other. It 's a real legitimate, if the road is full of accidents is due to the application from which we started, "What does woman want?", an application that works in this pursuit of happiness as a source of distress and as a loss, just as for women than for men, an application that is blinding also accept conditions of great unhappiness in relationships, in the name of the ghost with which each responds unconsciously to the riddle.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Baby Hand Print With Angel Wings Tattoo
THE "NOTICE OUTRE" A text of Giorgio Gaber Omar Battisti. __________________________________________________________________ The text that I wish to treat is called "The Pig", and is a monologue taken from "Years crowded," the theatrical season of the year Gaber 1981. I thought of this book for two reasons: first, that there is something that speaks to me of the unconscious, the second is that this something is the assumption that Gaber is talking secretly with Freud. "The Pig" is really present in the scene: is locked in a cage with a guinea pig in Gaber's talking about. This little piggy is called "Sigismondo". The association that comes to mind is that between Gismondo - Sigmund and Sigmund. There is also a series that I would extrapolate from the text: text - Game - libido - death. This chain seems to me as something along which flows a question that could arise at two levels: on the first floor it would be like you being understood by another, on another level it is a question that lacks "the ability to say one thing to another." Having named the pig "Sigismondo" leads me to some considerations: the other is talking with whom Gaber, and add which is trying to make himself understood, is a caged animal that has a name that evokes Freud's. Gaber explained that "the word is important" because "If you are the one to do:
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Probleme Mit Tvcenter Pro Seriennummer
FREE PUBLIC LECTURE FRIDAY 'November 19 from 21:00 to 23:00 ROOM AT THE ARCHES Arengo Palace - Piazza Cavour RIMINI Speaker: LUISELLA BRUSA Psychoanalyst of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, a member of AMP and EFP
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Etiquette On Paying For Their Own Meal
Institute Freudian FOR THE CLINIC, THERAPY AND SCIENCE ACTIVITIES ______________________________________________________________________ 'The teachings of the clinical sections of the Freudian Field and the antennas are designed scientific training of psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, educators, mental health practitioners and those who, for various reasons, wish to acquire training in the field of psychoanalysis. The activities include a seminar Antenna Rimini read and comment on the text of Jacques Lacan " The Seminar. Book XVIII. In a speech that he would not countenance the (1971), "taught by Professors of the Departments European clinics, a Seminar discussion of clinical cases, by the teachers of Freud, workshops, conferences with the aim of developing and deepening concepts relating to clinical practice through the use of the theory and psychoanalytic concepts. All Sections clinics are directed by Jacques-Alain Miller, Director of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII. INFO Freudian Institute, Via Palestro, 30-00185 Roma tel. 06 6786703 - Fax 066786684 e-mail: the Year Among the men and women ________________________________________________________________ FUNDAMENTAL SEMINAR The seminar consists of two key lessons: a theoretical, which involves reading a text and commentary Jacques Lacan and provides a practical exposure to clinical cases that highlight the operational value of the theory. Reference text reading and commenting on the text of Jacques Lacan: "The Seminar. Book XVIII. In a speech that he would not countenance the ", Einaudi, Torino 2010 20 November 2010 invited Professor: Luis Brusa (Milan) Case Clinical presented by: Julie Capannelli (Ancona) 22 January 2011 invited Professor Jean-Louis Gault (Paris) Case Study presented by: Ezio De Francesco (Roma) on February 26 called on Professor: Carole Dewambrechies-La Sagna (Bordeaux) Case Study by Brigitte Laffay (Conegliano Veneto) 12 March 2011 invited lecturer: Massimo Termini (Rome) Case Study presented by: Chris Santini (Fano) April 16, 2011 Teacher asked: Esthela Solano Suarez (Paris) Case Study presented by: Indulgence Pasquale (Bologna) HOURS theoretical Seminar: 09:00 - 13:00 Clinical Case Seminar: at 14:30 to 17:30 PLACE RAMADA RIMINI VILLA ROSA Hotel, Viale Vespucci, 71 - RIMINI ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Study Group 1 Seminar on introduction to the reading of Sigmund Freud Sexuality sexual development versus Textbooks S. Freud, Three Essays on Sexuality (1905), Selected Works, vol.IV, Hogarth, Torino 1978, pp. 514-534, S. Freud, Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the sexes (1925), Selected Works, vol. X, Basic Books, Torino 1978, S. Freud, Femininity (1932), Selected Works, vol. XI, Hogarth, Torino 1978, S. Freud, Analysis terminable and interminable (1937), Selected Works, vol. XI, Hogarth, Torino 1978, pp. Coordinate LORETTA 533-535 BIONDI, PHAEDRA Bucella Date November 21, 2010 14 December 2010 * January 23, 2011 February 27 March 13, 2011 April 17, 2011 Opening hours 08:30 to 11:00 a.m. Place Hotel Ramada Rimini Villa Rosa, viale Vespucci 71 - Rimini * hours 20:00 to 22:30 avenue Dardanelles, 11 - RIMINI Study Group Seminar 2 Introduction to Reading Jacques Lacan in psychoanalysis in the over-determination Textbooks A. Lacan, The Seminar on "The Purloined Letter," in Writings, vol. I, Einaudi, Torino, 1974. J. Lacan, The Seminar. Paper II. ch. XXIII, Psychoanalysis, and cybernetics, or the nature of language. Conference, Einaudi, Torino, 2006. J. Lacan, The Seminar. Paper IV. Chapter XIV: The signifier in the real, Einaudi, Torino, 1996. S. Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Selected Works, Vol III, Basic Books Bollati, Torino, 1998. Edgar Allan Poe, The Purloined Letter, Murcia Editore, 2009. Coordinate Raffaele CalabrĂ², MARIA ANTONELLA OF MONACO Date November 21, 2010 January 23, 2011 February 27, 2011 March 13, 2011 April 17, 2011 May 15, 2011 * May 22, 2011 * Time hours 11:15 to 13:15 Place Hotel RAMADA RIMINI VILLA ROSA, Viale Vespucci, 71 - RIMINI * hours 10:00 to 12:30 via Roma, 7 - RIMINI Laboratories logical construction of the clinical case A student of the Institute has a case of its practice, as the conclusion of a job compared with his other colleagues, because it highlights a psychoanalyst and seize values \u200b\u200boperational in reference to the structure, the function of symptoms, diagnosis. Date November 20, 2010 January 22, 2011 February 26, 2011 March 12, 2011 April 16, 2011 Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Hotel Ramada Rimini Villa Rosa Viale Vespucci, 71 - RIMINI Coordinate GIULIANA Capannelle EZIO DE FRANCISCO, BRIGITTE LAFFAY, CHRISTIAN SANTINI, PASQUALE INDULGENCE _______________________________________________________________________________________ LECONFERENZEPUBBLICHE • Friday 19 November 2010 Speaker: LUISELLA BRUSA Opening hours 20:45 to 11:00 p.m. Location Buonarrivo Hall - Provincial Government Building, Corso d'Augusto 231 - Rimini • Friday, January 21, 2011 Speaker: Jean-Louis Gault Hours 20:45 - 23 : 00 Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini • Friday, February 25, 2011 Speaker: Carol La Sagna DEVAMBRECHIES-time hours 20:45 to 11:00 p.m. Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini • Friday, March 11, 2011 Speaker: MAXIMUM TERMS Opening hours 8:45 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini • Friday, April 15, 2011 Speaker: Esthela SOLANO SUAREZ-time hours 8:45 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Location Sala degli Archi - dell'Arengo Palace, Piazza Cavour - Rimini were required CME credits of the Freudian Field Antenna Rimini Organizing Viale Dardanelles, 11 - 47921 Rimini Mob. 335 8092575 E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ antennarn.istfreudiano @ Registration Application for admission must be sent no later than November 15, 2010 to the Organizing Secretariat (e-mail or mail). Registration will be in effect after the approval of the application and payment of the fee. Full price: € 300.00 Quote students: € 250.00 Coordination Commission Antonio Di Ciaccia, President of the Freudian Loretta Biondi, Phaedra Bucelli Coordinator, Coordinator Raffaele Calabria, Coordinator, Lecturer Maria Antonella Del Monaco, Coordinator, Professor responsible
Causes Of Body Temp 96.5
"MY EXPERIENCE OF THE CARTEL" Domenico Cimino _________________________________________________________________________________ Some years ago I attended my first sign. There were four "plus one" and we worked together for about three years. The Cartel, as well as for analysis, requires a certain regularity and some effort. It 's a group where people meet regularly and work around an argument or a written, from many different angles between their subjective and you try to witness and to transmit its unique work that is done in solitude. The Cartel has to do with knowledge, but know what it is? When I think back to my university course I can testify to a different relationship with my knowledge. For me to know the university was the assimilation of a number of formulas to be repeated to those who would assess and, if approved through a symbolic act that would have allowed me to practice. University knowledge was for me a soporific know that did not include my subjectivity. I after the period of the University "desiring to receive a license as a driving school," as Lacan says about the training analyst. Then, once you reach the coveted title, I went looking for means by which practice as a psychologist. This research was outlined just why, but I do not even realize it, the knowledge accumulated at the University left me in a position of powerlessness and bewilderment. Then I met psychoanalysis. The knowledge in question is not the same sign in the university to know. What leads to knowledge, says Lacan, is not the desire to know, but the discourse of hysteria. In theory of "four discourses" conceptualized by Lacan, we know that are assigned to different fates depending on the discourse under consideration. In academic discourse, knowledge is placed in position of the dominant discourse, the place of the agent. The knowledge in the academic discourse is not only a position of command, but is also located above the bar of repression, under which we find, in place of truth, S1, the master signifier. In the discourse of the university, as regards knowledge, this is a managed knowledge, a theoretical knowledge, combined, whose truth is not the teaching, in fact the place of the agent is also called by Lacan appearance, but the attempt to control the one who teaches to the students. This does not mean that teaching is a dictator, but it is a discursive structure, therefore making social ties and group, in which knowledge is made and is conditioned by the act authorizing it (S1), which provides that there is identification. With regard to the discourse of hysteria, it is a discursive operation that is central to the analysand. For Lacan the subject in the discourse analysis must pass through hysterical because the symptom (S slash), interrogates the Master Signifier (S1) to produce a knowledge (S2). However, the knowledge produced is marked by the inability to limit which takes the place of truth, because that is the object of his desire. In the discourse of the analyst's place is occupied by knowing the truth (S2). The knowledge in this position means that the truth as you know is an enigma. In his speech analyst, he works through the interpretation of so allusive, enigmatic in a way that refers to a meaning but that, through a semi-say, push the subject to produce his knowledge to its limit. The subject in analysis through free association, in fact, is paradoxically forced to produce its own knowledge. So we can say that knowledge on to the cartel is not comparable to the knowledge of the discourse of the university, as this is an authoritative knowledge. He approaches the hysterical speech as prompts for the production of knowledge, but refers to knowledge of the analyst's speech because that speech is at stake from the knowledge of the subject and is limited. Lacan says that the analyst must renounce any temptation to respond even a little 'to the question, meaning that it must give up to promote the identification of the patient. The same warning appears to be the intent of Lacan's work to turn the school around the sign. The sign is no accident that the contemporary creation of the School. For Lacan it is impossible for psychoanalysts form a group and that is why we invented the poster. Miller notes that the creation of a small group to carry out the work of the School, Lacan intended to create a non-hierarchical work device, in which the identification was not the leader, the one who holds the knowledge. Lacan does not deny the fact that each group there will be a leader, but it does work as a leading moderate, poor. As for my place in the folder to which I attended, I was asked to approach the subject from which angle you choose. I decided to start from what at that time raised many questions in me. I left the job done in social and educational contact with children diagnosed with mental retardation. Working with these guys awakened in me many questions and could not be content merely to consider mental retardation as the result of a test. This dissatisfaction has been the engine of my work in and sign with other members, I have not found the answers, but I was able to recalibrate my position at work with these people. It 's interesting to note that in this phenomenon, the subject arises in respect of knowledge in a particular position. The person with mental retardation, Lacan's view, it makes it weak to leave the truth and know the place of the Other, and thus remain in a position where it is put into play the subjectivity.
Monday, October 4, 2010
How To Put On Double Loop Belt
Saturday, September 18, 2010 was held in Ravenna, a Study Day, sponsored by the Secretariat of the Bologna and Rimini and dedicated to the work of cartels. The first congratulations go to the speakers made cartellizzanti: all agility of their text, have witnessed the effect that the subjective logic of all non-producing cartel. Thanks, then, to discutants and moderators: their stresses and specific applications have also produced a lively debate from the public participant. Among the significant questions: how do you convey a knowledge that has to do with the unconscious? What is different with the knowledge produced by cartel compared to the university to know? A special thanks to the national coordinator of the signs, C. ViganĂ², the conclusions have been able to articulate subjectivity of knowledge and space of the cartel emerged in the final of the cartel, which is the written product. All in the frame of a beautiful reflection that the President of the SLP, P. Francesconi, has given us in his presentation of the day and return in this way, the truth is an anamorphic cartel know that it is already there and that through the work of a small group can become a new knowledge. We found it to life with a certain charm, a time for school. Regards Raffaele Calabria
Burping After The Stomach Bug

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
How To Build A Miniature Canoe
Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis secretariats of Bologna and Rimini organize day intercartelli You can know. The work of the cartel makes alive the text of psychoanalysis. Ravenna Hall Forum September 18, 2010 - Division II Via Berlinguer 11 hours 14:30 to 14:45 Presentation of the day: Raffaele Calabria Introduction: President of the SLP Paolo Francesconi hours 14:45 to 16:30 Session I "The development of new knowledge" Moderator: Gabriele Pazzaglia Discutant Carlo ViganĂ² Biondi Loretta: The child nodes Lelli Fabio: Violence and the word Bosi Beatrice Menghi Celine, Mariarita Conrado, Vacca Monica: The school of pass and sign. You may not know-Alessandra Graziani: Zibaldone hours 16:30 to 16:45 hours break 16:45 to 18:30 Session II "The transference of work" Chairman Carlo De Panfilis Discutant: Maurizio Mazzotti Tassinari Alide: The work of ending the cartel? Notes on the transference of work Carlassara Olivier: A cartel on anxiety Alesiani Heloise, The Lovely Christine, Catalini Mara, Daniela D'Altorio, Marcelli Adele: The impasse in the know, a startling sign of engine Domenico Cimino: My experience of the cartel hours 18:30 to 19:00 Conclusion: The Carlo ViganĂ² Participation is open to all. You will be asked to each participant a contribution of 10 € for administration costs. Certificate of attendance will be issued Administrative Office: Via Davenport 7, 20122 Milano tel.0254122747
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Can I Apply Eucalyptus Oil Directly On My Scalp

publish an interview with Alfredo Carrillo (researcher) who had the good fortune to take a camera with a Flottille, a series of unidentified flying objects. On September 3 last year Alfred was invited to the Mexican TV show "Tercer Milenio", hosted by Jaime Maussan, who is not on a few occasions has shown interest in the UFO issue. Tochtli stresses that the video will be posted below is true, that is not manipulated in any manner.
The movie shows a brief conversation in English, which will be appropriately translated below to register. There is also the Annex video of Pedro Hernandez and Alfred was there that day to return the object in the sky, unaware, however, that was also the first recording. We now have two movies, made by two different people, depicting the same subject, what makes us reject the hypothesis that the whole affair is a hoax. translation will also appear in the description dell'OVNI with a photo.
The symbol indicates JM Jaime Maussan (Conductor), while AC is Alfredo Carrillo.
JM: [...] Good evening, we study in Mr. Alfredo Carrillo, who together Pedro Hernandez has taken over one of the best tests of all time. E 'Alfredo was very lucky to have on hand that day and his camera to get those stunning images. Welcome here, "Third Millennium", Alfredo.
AC: Yes, thank you. I am very pleased that you invited me to witness what I've recorded and want people to know that the video you are trying to show that all of you are seeing is real, and that was me recording it.
JM: What luck, right?
AC: Yes, previously I had the opportunity to see other objects, but I have not had the opportunity to have the camera with me so far.
JM: So I confirm what I reported earlier, that only recently did you manage to film these objects.
AC: Yes, absolutely. Even if the camera was an old model, has done its job perfectly on that occasion.
JM: Great! If you do not have any objection we might see the first video of Pedro Hernandez who was the first showing. Look at the object that is releasing hundreds of balls from both sides. She has excited and fascinated by the Net, Alfredo. There are also some who say that both the "wire Naylon" [laughs].
AC: That, or dealing in drops of condensation or even cobwebs and the like.
JM: No doubt this is genuine and you are here to confirm it. Here we look at the camera, if we frame the camera which was recorded on all [the camera shows Jaime Alfredo]. And the video we are presenting ... Let's do this, look at the video of Alfredo so you can describe it, please.

AC: Well, now, that moment is when I zoom, I'm zooming close to full.
And we see that (the object) is starting to release the ball from the left side and right side. Now I do an overview from the right to see where they head the ball. I'll be back again to the main object and then focus those were descending. Now you lose a little 'the focus because it automatically, but after a while I can 'to refocus the image. I hate being here in little 'to do a general overview. I want to clarify that on that day I had the sun in front of me, there can not be seen, but I had moved slightly ahead in that direction (right) was very difficult to maintain the frame.
JM: It 's like saying that Pedro was recovering at a point where the sky was clear and you, instead, on the other side where there were clouds.
AC: Exactly in the place where he was Pedro was the fog, while across the sky was clear, that is why his video with the sky is clear.
JM: Yeah, the sky Clear, yellow and orange as your looks black. The only possible explanation is precisely the Sun, as this affects the color you see in the registry.
AC: Yes, the object ... yes, precisely in the video of Pedro Hernandez was the sun lighting up the front part of the object, it can be seen in the reflection and mine, since he was behind me ... we all know that when we take a photograph or a video if we are facing the Sun the object interposed remains black.
JM: Here's how the two spheres will continue to run around the object larger, especially coming back in both videos. Fortunately, you have captured this extraordinary moment. And so ... You can be proud of in short, no?
AC: Yes, I feel quite happy and I hope we can return in future to introduce other material.
JM: But, certifying the authenticity of the video?
AC: Of course!
JM: Thank you, Alfredo. And you, what do you think of this amazing video? The two witnesses were presented, they put their faces and are showing us that this is a real video, do not hesitate! We are facing one of the greatest tests of all time and we will continue to talk about it here, "Third Millennium".

Thursday, September 9, 2010
No Logo On Back Of Northface Jacket
Have you heard the news of the initiative Burn Koran day (here's group on Facebook)? I did, and I do not like what I heard. This is an event in memory of those lost Sept. 11, sponsored by an evangelical pastor, is proposing to burn copies of the Koran in public. Unfortunately, the large U.S. government agencies have already begun to live with an income of the story of September 11, at the expense of those who left us for that very day.
And for the dignity and the memory of those who died is our right to know the truth. This blog, as written in the header, promotes the dissemination of conspiracy theories or alternatives; you have chosen, however, should not be treated (at least not entirely) the September 11 plot, for obvious reasons of space. However if you would like to learn more on the other side of the "attacks", click on the image below.

It is "luogocomune," the online newspaper run by Massimo Mazzucco, explaining step by step what will not return in the official version of the facts given in those days by the government of the United States of America.
therefore take this opportunity to make some clarifications. Many visitors to the YouTube channel [- LINK -] I was asked questions about the Sept. 11 conspiracy theory, among them the most significant, in my opinion, was:
But do you think you can really think it was all a stunt?? In short, it is possible that all newspapers have lied, lied, that aviation, which are all agreed from the beginning? How can a government killing its citizens so cowardly?
legitimate question, please, post, though, from someone who still lives in the magical world of TV, where nothing ever happens, or if something is always the fault of immigrants or people of color, where politicians do not steal , where corruption does not exist, where it is yet another important Marrazzo trans or just another whore Berlusconi that the lives of thousands of innocent people, where the first to commit crime are the "governments". Here's the wonderful world of TV where you take the good story that the first guy in a suit and tie tells you in front of a camera.
Unfortunately, and I regret to say, the real world does not work at all. The issue of September 11 has several dark spots , that journalists, as I understand it, do not intend to clarify, because instead of Korans set fire to the citizens do not investigate to see how things went, maybe because, after all basically, I'm in too.
If you believe that a government can not kill in cold blood thousands of its citizens then lie shamelessly for the rest of his days, then you are wrong. Here, in fact, here are some documents and testimony that should make you think:
March 13, 1962: Lyman Lemnitzer, Chief of Staff, presents a plan to the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, called "Operation Northwoods" ( here you can find the document with a lot of translation). The document proposed to engineer terrorist attacks in Guantanamo to provide a pretext for military intervention against Cuba

The plans included the dissemination of false rumors accusing Cuba of producing false clandestine radio broadcasts, infiltrating spies into the Cuban base to make attacks, triggering riots at the base. It is also planned to blow up ammunition dumps and start fires, sabotage of the installation military aircraft and ships, bomb the base with mortar shells, sink the ship near the entrance and funerals for the victims imaginary unleash a campaign terrorist in Miami, Florida and Washington DC
And finally, to destroy an unmanned off the Cuban waters. The passengers, federal agents in reality, would be passed as college students on vacation. An airplane of the U.S. base at Eglin would be painted and numbered to become an exact duplicate of a registered civil aircraft belonging to a front company CIA in Miami. The duplicate would be replaced with the real plane and loaded with passengers. The real plane would have been turned into a drone. The aircraft would be exchanged in South Florida.
The aircraft with passengers would land behind them down to Eglin regaining its original status. The drone would leave as scheduled flight and then would send a "SOS signal" before being detonated with a remote control. The plan was rejected by McNamara and President John F. Kennedy personally removes Lemnitzer by Chief of Staff.
Although not all resulted in tragedy, this story tells us that "the intent" of the car bomb existed and still exists in America. We continue:
December 1, 1984: A remote-controlled Boeing 720 lifts off from Edwards Air Force Base U.S. and NASA does crash for a study on fuel. Before being shot down flight operations for about 16 hours doing the reverse and landing.
1999: NORAD conducts exercises in which hijacked planes are flown into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
October 24, 2000: The Pentagon conducts the first of two exercises called "NASCAL" simulating the crash of a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon. Charles Burlingame, a former naval F4 pilot who worked at the Pentagon, attended the first exercise to resign and start working at the American Airlines, where, less than a year later, his Boeing 757 allegedly crashes into the Pentagon.

June 2001: The Department of Defense branches out new guidelines for military intervention in case of hijackings. It requires that all non-urgent responses to the Department of Defense must obtain permission directly from the Secretary of Defense.
Attorney General John Ashcroft begins flying on private jets for the rest of his term on the advice of the FBI for "danger".
July 4, 2001: Osama Bin Laden, wanted by the United States since 1998, receives medical treatment at the Hospital of Dubai, where he received a visit from a local leader of the CIA.
July 24, 2001: Larry Silverstein, who already owned the World Trade Center 7, a 99-year lease, paying $ 32 billion, the whole of the World Trade Center six weeks before 9 / 11. Included in the contract there was an insurance policy by $ 35 billion, which coincidentally would specifically covered acts of terrorism.
few weeks before the "attacks" the explosive detector dogs are made away from the World Trade Center and security officers to conclude two weeks with 12-hour shifts.
Newsweek reports that a senior Pentagon official cancels their flight plans for the next mattianata.
San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives a phone call that warned not to fly the next morning. Pacifica Radio later revealed that the call came directly from National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.
And at a military hospital in Pakistan all the urologists are replaced with a special team to welcome their special guest, Osama Bin Laden, who is carefully escorted inside to be "cared for and protected with care."
judge. If you have questions or want further clarification, here is a video summary of irregularities in the official version.
We sincerely thank Massimo Mazzucco, author of the short film "The crystal truth. "As the final note is to clarify that burning the sacred texts of other religions does not seem a great test of civilization, indeed, was for me, immediately remove from the community that the Pastor has proposed that solution.

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Pain After Cervical Polyp Removal

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is little more than a grain of sand on the beach (think that Paris is 7 times larger than its total area) is the most isolated places in the world, but by the time it was discovered has raised great interest in research.
In 1722, a Dutch sailor, Roggeveen, officially discovered the island, but, mind you, was probably already known to other sailors or pirates of different nationalities, who were spotted by chance. After a brief skirmish with the Dutch, the Local agreed to disclose at the beginning some of their biggest "secrets", including also their origin. The indigenous leaders in fact claimed to be the last of a race of giants.
The current name of the island is Rapanui , or "big rock, atoll, in reality, however, the name was originally

And, once again, their knowledge, passed down from generation to generation, which is growing dangerously weaken the theory advanced by Darwin's Evolutionism. No coincidence that other ancient peoples, like the people of Nazca , knew so well, the stars and planets to know how to represent it perfectly.
When you think of Easter Island, usually come to mind the now famous Moai, such as those in the picture below:

The Moai have fueled much discussion, the most important: how did the residents to transport them. It 'been proved that the stone giants were not produced locally, but came from the quarry of Rano Raraku volcano (see map above) and then only in the end they were transported to the beaches of the island. Let's talk about tall statues from 2 to 10 meters (even if there is a 21 meters high), which weigh 75 to 86 tons. The natives, to carry out the inhuman removals were available only to tree trunks and rope (according to the official story).
However, you may find yourself, when you move so great a weight and repeatedly, should be created unintentionally "tracks drag ", which in this case have never been found. According to the official history has always told us that the trees have been extinct on the island for the negligence of the natives, who used them for their own transport of the Moai. In Actually there are also minor theories, but no less likely, which state that

So how they managed to move the huge statues?
To avoid falling into platitudes do not intend to express myself fully, but according to several theories of researchers of the caliber of Henry von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin, the Pasquensi, like other ancient peoples were visited by an alien race that would have provided the knowledges that until recently were handed down.
Maybe their "secrets" are encoded in so-called Rongo-Rongo tablets (the full name would kohau bike mo Rongo-Rongo ), a collection of about 14,700 hieroglyphics for a total of 21 wooden tablets written in a style boustophedico. No linguist has yet been able to decipher the contents. Could perhaps be of cosmogonic chants, that a religious and mythological stories about the birth of the Universe?
certainly remains the enigma of who built the statues, also because a recent survey showed that today on Easter Island there are about 200 people, and scientists agree that they were never more than 4000. Now, given the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers, a large number of men had to provide food, while women took care of the house. Therefore remains a potential so few sculptors who do not make it any the thousands of statues scattered throughout the island, the more so that the stone is so hard, that hours and hours of pounding with stone wedges, almost, leave no trace.

Finally I leave the readers with another mystery: if we could demonstrate that all the peoples of the world had the following fields: communication, one must then prove that among them there was a link. Well, the Rongo-Rongo writing is very similar to one that was found near the Indus Valley .

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Wella Stright Instructions

Absite iniuria verbis
Nothing is easier than hiding the truth.
In the episode of July 30 of two years ago, Piero Angela dedicated service on the claims of the paranormal, the conspiracies, and UFOs: of course this is a very comfortable not to deal directly and thoroughly with any of these theories. Our champions of CICAP could not miss. In the post below there are some statements about UFOs Angela trying to determine whether or not they correspond to the truth.
Despite being a journalist, Mr. Piero Angela does not show much at all declared the "scientific conscience", also his team's CICAP even come to deny the existence of the Flying Objects classify them all as "visions", ignoring even the remote possibility of the presence of life on other worlds. Science, however, has often commented on the life in the Universe, because Piero Angela, however, seems to be so sure that UFOs do not exist?
E 'reasonable to think that there are other life forms around the Cosmos, how is it that these are the most advanced of us even managed to cross the galaxies. But no! According to Angela none of this is acceptable. Now we come to its salient phrases:
"Several years ago, said on television [that Italian!] a program on the UFO phenomenon of trying to figure out why it was so widespread that belief. As we know from the U.S. Air Force since 1947 he opened a service to cover all the comments made by individuals on flying saucers, and the reason was to determine whether the Soviets were not, perhaps have, trying some new type of aircraft. "
Angela says the registry service came to find out whether the UFOs were the Russians, because they still want to deny the existence of an inexplicable phenomenon, unknown but the first to be spot, in that case, it was the U.S. military. In an old interview, Shirley MacLaine says that:
I was 8 years old. UFOs flew over the capital and the White House in July of 1952, I marked in my diary. Nobody knew what they were, the exchanges went mad, everyone was confused ... A few days later Truman, who was then president, he sent General Sanford on TV, I still have the picture tube. He said: "I'm not Russian, are not ours, we do not know what they are."
For the record the "register" as Angela calls it, would be the so-called Project "Sign" (signal), which officially was to explain in a rational way of UFO sightings. There was However, a considerable embarrassment when even the military were able to explain many of these. Now back to SuperQuark :
" [...] And this section was in operation for many years without any comments from flying saucers were confirmed."
This is the second false Piero Angela, but to deny that the UFO phenomenon, told a blatant lie. In 1969, in fact, the Project Grudge was completed and published under the name of more attrente "Progect Blue-Book." There were listed more than 12000 cases to observe many of which were explained with containing natural phenomena, cases of hallucinations or airplanes land. There were, however, more than 700 cases that were not even the military able to explain.
"He then spread the voice of the U.S. Air Force held secret these cards and did not want to know the truth, indeed, that he had also hidden the pieces of machinery and perhaps even an extraterrestrial alien pilot. Of course this was promptly denied ... "
We see, however, as he was denied the news. Remember, of course, the interview with Frankie Rowe, who at the age of eleven he had seen the remains of a spaceship crash and who then received a visit from a nice little military did not say his name:
had this baton or stick or whatever it was ... and beat him in the hand. Whenever said something flapping in his hand. And he said, "You know that you've never been in that place." I did not understand what he meant and rispodevo: "Yes we have been." And he said, "No, we've been." And I said, "Yes, I was there!" And he replied: "I'll want to stick in your head? You've never seen anything ... you were not there, you know nothing." And then he added: "This desert is very big, you know if we have for you in half and no one will ever find your bodies. They will remain only the bones and no one will know what happened to you."

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Pakistani Walima Cards
Five minutes ago, I received a comment to my video " SuperQuark - The ten strategies to deceive the public " and, as it turned, the disinformation strikes again! In a user comment, which I failed to write down the name, he wrote, very literally, "you're a loser" of course, I immediately canceled.
Countless times I repeated that I will not insult the comments under my videos, but it's so hard to understand? From this suggests two conclusions: that user of YouTube would only be in the spotlight, and if you read this, there could even, or it was a fake created by disinformation, perhaps precisely to discredit! And it does not take long to realize that is exactly what happened.
And this does not happen only to me but to all other activists who seek to deepen the discussion of chemtrails of seigniorage and conspiracy in general. The obvious question is: Who pays for all this? Perhaps our government needs to maintain a certain status quo and some information must pass through a sieve. In this case, however, having nothing else to say, because the truth is incontrovertible, our unknown user has used to insult free. Piero Angela can be proud of!
Here is the video bothered to our Unnamed ( CICAP ):
Tanker Enemy We thank the Committee for permission.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Before And After Hollywood Wax
How many times in recent months you've heard of "swine flu" and perhaps frightened by the prophecies of pandemic of the media, have made up for the vaccine? I realize that is a bit 'late to bring up the past, but perhaps in hindsight we can succeed to understand many aspects about this elusive hidden virus H1N1.
The bogeyman of journalists, in fact, do not stand up even from the beginning: Fazio belonging & Co., which filled the CRT obvious falsehood, apocalyptic predictions and, in a sense, surreal, had someone on the Net already begun to open their eyes.
I consulted various websites of medicine (including alternative), believe it or not, the swine is 10 times less aggressive than the seasonal flu, the same applies to the number of victims of the first, largely insignificant, compared to the second. That said, we must understand why television can make predictions of a pandemic with the specter of H1N1, while the chemtrails , for example, do not talk at all.

To better understand the problem requires a brief introduction. The purpose of vaccination is to prepare the immune system to attack any part of any potentially harmful organism: the access roads they use, in fact, are the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, digestive tract, the respiratory system.
These membranes are protected by special antibodies called immune globulins type A or IGA is the first line of defense of the body. This is why the vaccines that contain dead or weakened virus must be injected and not taken orally, they have to bypass the IGA and travel directly to the immune system, so that you tripped autopotenzi best.
What is not said, however, is that vaccines also contain numerous toxic substances and chemicals, including not only antibiotics, such as Niomicina and Streptomycin but Formaldehyde, Phenol , and, unbelievable, Glicoletinelico (of a component for anti- freeze for cars). But the list, unfortunately, is not complete, there are also immuno-adjuvant, ie substances that speed up the immunization, unfortunately, these are far from harmless, in fact, an aluminum and squalene.
As icing on the cake, the swine flu vaccine contains two hazardous adjuvants: the Novartis and Glaxo Smithklane . In particular, the Squalene is a substance found in olive oil that normally ingested orally, is harmless, but if it is injected under the skin (as in our case) can lead to paralysis of muscles.
For example, remember that the veterans who contracted the infamous "Gulf War Syndrome", had received a vaccine against anthrax. It contained squalene, MF59 (the same used in the vaccine to prevent swine flu). This ingredient was not among the molecules tested, yet was also used, although it is considered the trigger of the syndrome itself. Although the Mexican government denied the presence of squalene in vaccines tested, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recognized its presence in several batches produced its vaccination program to immunize Anthrax.
And as if that were not enough, according to some medical research, 95% of patients who contracted the Gulf War syndrome had antibodies to squalene, and that 100% of all soldiers had the same symptoms: arthritis, adenopathy, chronic fatigue , chronic headaches, skin lesions is not curable, hair loss, ulcers, canker sores, weakness, dizziness, memory loss, mood swings, anemia, systemic lupus eridematosus, multiple sclerosis, Siorgen Syndrome, Phenomenon Rainad and High sedimentation rate red blood cells.
Why the "science" Italian does not inform you of all this? I can only tell you that there is no medical science that can ensure the safety of vaccines ... death toll in exchange for easy money, speculation and public health pandemic. The worship of God, Money, obviously, does not provide ethical conscience. And four months later ... Swine influenza, such as avian flu, is just history.
At the time, in fact, there was talk of bird flu, referring to an imminent pandemic, the vaccine that was used for immunization was the Tamiflu. You know, instead, what was the name of that for the pigs? Tamiflu Novartis ... If that eh!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Where To Buy Sue Londons
In any event, the undersigned has seen many airplanes over his house at night. In the picture above you see, very known, glazes harmless version of the night. Note to the uninformed: the photo is not the result of manipulation, the original was simply added the words and the frame, nothing more.
Induction chemistry takes place only when air traffic was diverted entirely in other areas, and personally I saw just last night, two planes flying over my house very low.
Today, Saturday, Aug. 21, at 10:56, it's raining!

Friday, August 20, 2010
Java Application Create License

E 'misinformation task of trying to convince the people concerned that chemtrails do not exist, degrading in response to simple condensation trails (contrails). Of course we know that it is not. With Rosario Marciano, one of the most influential researchers in the chemtrails, that today our research, has made great strides.
To show that the chemical transport aircraft (Tankers) almost daily flying over our skies, this time we got permission, right from Rosario in person, to recharge his latest movie on Conspiracy; Tochtli wishes to thank the Committee for Tanker Enemy their kind permission.
The above video shows some evidence regarding the induction of the vortex condensation carried out by the FAA (similar technology is used by pilots of the tricolor arrows), and proposes a comparison with the clandestine operations of aerosols. You will see that the two phenomena are identical, this shows that there is already a technology suitable for spraying, and then those bodies government and military are lying. In particular, the video shows the so-called chemtrails in the DNA.
Ash And Misty Doushinji
This, more than a post, wants to be an initiative. Have you ever stopped to watch the sky above your house? If the answer is no, then make yourself aware of what is happening. Pass over my house almost every day, planes, mostly at low altitudes, the radar system on-line, I have, does not reveal.
early yesterday morning in fact often I saw a fighter jet and is certainly not the first time avioggetti military flying over our home area! Most of these aircraft is of unknown origin, in fact often do not have the so-called badges and identification marks, which are essential for recognition.

Now, below I post the link of the free on-line radar: (very slow to load). With this tool you can also check the air routes in the world.
mind you, the only planes that you see on the radar are civil or commercial but not military. If, therefore, unable to see your home on a plane that is not reported and denoted by radar, it goes without saying that do not have the slightest intention of being intercepted, as they are engaged in clandestine operations of aerosols . And keep in mind that it is illegal to keep the transponder off.
For those who read this post: keep your eyes open, dictatorship is near, perhaps, though, if we can better inform us, we will also stop its rise. So, if detected, according to the above reasoning, the passage of Tankers over your house, do not hesitate to let me know. If you want, you can download the flyer Tanker Enemy about chemtrails to also encourage your neighbors, relatives or acquaintances to inquire.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Bluntville Wraps For Sale

Who guarantees that the information posted on Wikipedia is accurate or reliable? In the paper there is a common encyclopaedia publishing contract in which one writer is responsible for the content, but in the case of Wikipedia? Simply, the answer is no. Since anyone can write or edit entries, the responsibility does not fall on any subject, least of all the editors.
In the case of conspiracy discourse is expanded: the misleading encyclopedia has, for some time, archived pages and pages of conspiracy theories, which, he said, are mere speculation sufalate widely, often, in fact, argues that these assumptions have scientific value (and of course without adding any proof or source that goes to endorse their insinuations)
Here is an example of inconsistency wikipedian:
1. through the ' test reliability "of Wikipedia: Neutral point of view. Sorry, but I do all of this neutral point of view I do not see at all. Do you remember how to define the conspiracy theory about HAARP, hoaxes conspiracy of the followers of David Icke, "the face of neutrality!
2. "In general the errors are solved in the medium term, because sooner or later someone who understands the argument goes and fixes (Wow). In the short term, some believe that Wikipedia is the most authoritative newspaper (which often contain errors Marchiani) but less than an encyclopedia, at least for the items with a little history. You can turn it into positive, reminding people that always has to operate your brain without accepting everything uncritically. "(From Wikipedia)
's ridiculous to think that sooner or later, someone who understands and fixes the argument goes, here we are in Italy! One thing might be possible in England, if anything, but certainly not in our (rotten) country. They said right in the end, press the brain, their service, however, threatens to do the opposite.
recommend, therefore, very careful when you read Wikipedia, do not assume what is written, if the voice is much less controversial issues such as the plot. As rightly called the Rosario Marciano: the home of disinformation.
Romulus, My Wiki ( joke, even one is corrupt)!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dr And Mrs Vandertramp Story

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a station of over 200 antennas (now) which is located near Gakona (Alaska). Quest'istallazione is used to scientific research on the middle and upper layers of the ionosphere. In fact, on a daily basis, it enters the Earth's atmosphere ELF and ULF waves (type of low, medium-low and high) to study the reaction.
plots, that we ourselves, blaming HAARP to commit, fraudulent, experiments to change the Earth's climate with consequences, on occasion, just check ... try it the risk of earthquakes or tsunamis. We must remember in this regard, the earthquake in Haiti a few months ago. As it happens dell'HAARP antennas were in operation in those days. You can view the video charts that record the activities of HAARP magnetometer here.
back to us, according to Wikipedia, the Conspiracy theories about HAARP are unfounded:
Some conspiracy theories, no objective confirmation and denials from all scientific communities [false (1)] see HAARP in a project to pursue occult purposes, ranging from the creation of electromagnetic weapon to cause earthquakes to climate control [false (2)]. These forward-looking [but do me the favor! fake (3)] are mostly related to the conspiracy theory about chemtrails with a common denominator in all times of conspiracy hoaxes unmasked followers of David Icke [still false (4)].
In practice it does not have an apt! Each period contains an error, and is not a isolated case.
Let's remedy:
False 1: No scientist has ever disproved the conspiracy theory HAARP, so that it was this particular even more suspicious to the conspiracy.
False 2: HAARP is a weapon electromagnetic spectrum but to improve military communications. Earthquakes are just a side effect or, at most, a test.
False 3: "speculation" is some kind of scam to extort money from those who are duped by a fairy tale or a myth. I tell this story for years, but I never saw a penny of the bill, none of those who criticize the HAARP is to show off or to benefit, Indeed, if anything, is the opposite, they are vilified.
False 4: This is not a hoax! David Icke is a very special in the sense that those leads are small lessons, which, mind you, must be taken in small doses.

It 's very easy to say that in our case it is an unfounded theory, when the only ones who say they are the very people involved. How anyone ever wondered why the HAARP installations are only found in cold regions and for the most part isolated from the rest of the world? What to hide? If you really conducting experiments of great scientific interest, why do not you update the program?
Finally, HAARP and chemtrails form a deadly duo, because it is through clandestine sprays can control the weather phenomena since these are the reagent. Those who think that what I said is false may in any case, go check the website of 'HAARP Induction Magnetometer to verify that during the earthquake in Haiti antennas were active.

Acrostic Poem Generator Jokes
you remember that joke Orson Welles did the radio? Well, it was the 60s and the popular radio host told the world of aliens landing on Earth. The news, although it was a joke, was so traumatic for the people that people committed suicide in the grip of even the most delusional psychosis, while others ran through the streets. Believe it or not, it seemed crazy!
What Orson Welles was a joke, without detracting from our cousins \u200b\u200bintergalactic "Perhaps, though, someone might have learned a lesson from this story, I explain: I say bullshit the microphone and the people running the streets in panic, not beautiful!
Think for a moment: what if the television stations, over time, they wised up and they start to become influential? Fortuna in Italy that all TVs are Berlusconi!
seems impossible, but it is. The TV now has great collections, but often the information releases are biased ( SuperQuark and The Gay Science are an example). So nothing new under the sun, the usual story of conspiracies and disinformation.
And Speaking of misinformation, two days ago I was listening to the weather on Channel 5 and, among other Forecasts of rain and good weather, the presenter of the passage in Sicily "harmless glazes. But what are they? harmless haze is a lingo term weather forecasts, which features, unbelievable, mist, chemical spill! The
chemtrails when they are very persistent, they tend to expand and unravel until they merge with the clouds, or more commonly with the fog. And you know what? Even over my house today, there are harmless glazes, those based on barium. Here are some pictures:
This picture was taken today to the north of my home. This second image, however, goes back a bit 'of time before:

could not miss ... Well as I have sufficiently demonstrated the presence of aircraft engaged in the illegal operations of aerosols during the "phenomenon" of glazes harmless, then suspect that these two facts there is a connection is inevitable.