This system of aerosols ( definition of Rosario Marciano ) leads to the formation of real barbed wire in our skies, the reader will surely have witnessed. It often happens indeed to see persistent contrails, very long, protracted from horizon to horizon ... but let's step back from the beginning of this story.
Our story begins in 1989 when the town of EspaƱola (Canada) some "concerned citizens" realize that the sky was (and indeed still is) fraught with unclear identification of aircraft contrails that issue to dissolve take hours and sometimes for days. After numerous sightings there's already the first reports to the municipality, but were not heard. This refusal to take action on the part of law enforcement and the increasing intensification of spraying, convinced Canadians that everything was part of a clear plan for control of certain areas of the planet.
Soon the news of the plot goes around the world and becomes available to anyone, though, and here we get into the whole thing more disturbing especially in EspaƱola things happen "strange", many people become ill, some of tuberculosis, some cancers, those with leukemia, and soon most of the population died.
The modern theory of the conspiracy about chemtrails states that the engines of the newest avioggetti you are adding chemical additives then release the planes in the sky in the form of contrails.
But how do you recognize a chemical trail to a trail of condensation (normal)? The criterion for division is very simple. The normal contrails can be formed only if there are three conditions: 1,
The plane flies at an altitude higher than 8000 m.
2 ° The relative humidity is above 70%.
3 ° The temperature is below -40 ° C.
We see, therefore, as a trail of condensation is a phenomenon quite rare in our latitudes there is virtually never.
So if we see a plane where we can make out the shape (tail, wings, fuselage and engines) and even hear the roar, this does not fly at an altitude above 2000/2300 m. If we see that this plane will also issue a wake, We can see immediately that it is not condensation, because the altitude is not respected canonical.
addition chemtrails more "sensational" are very persistent, ie they do not dissolve and, indeed, remain visible for so long and often fray and spread, so that clouds appear to the untrained eye. But it seems that lately we are developing new compounds that have a duration much less than the previous. In this case, however, just watch the altitude.
The reader will notice at this point that the clandestine operations of aerosols can also be extremely harmful to health, in fact looking at the official data, there discovers that, for example, aluminum case neuro-degenerative diseases, radioactive thorium, leukemia and so on for other substances. From the analysis carried out on samples of water, it turns out that the level of quartz even reached 80%. Note the presence of calcium carbonate, which makes the land barren.
existence of chemtrails, we not only scientific evidence (which subsequently will provide Conspiracy) as well as paper documents. Remember as an example the famous strategic document "US-Italy for the climate control, which shows a strong desire to dominate the climate by 2025. Until recently, this treaty was available by anyone, but now "strangely" is no longer available, thanks to the Italian researcher Rosario Marciano has been saved a copy of which can be verified by all at this address .
Finally, we must recognize that certain stories are actually only available on Enternet, and on television (without rare exceptions) do not talk. I personally know some of the researchers involved in studying these trails and see, more and more people are persecuted, mocked, ridiculed for what he says. Where is the scientific method so famous? E 'task of a serious scientist to be interested in any kind of phenomenon to verify its authenticity, and not mock those seeking to understand more!
On the one hand we see that he was awarded the work of a few, secondly, that the counter is supported only by Enternet. Whom should we believe? Who says we can not fly, or those that fly? (Raz Degan a Mystery)
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