We are the usual. The case of the KC-10 seems still open, as we advance, the truth emerges ... But today I'm not here to speak of "philosophy of chemtrails, but I would like to denounce the latest attempt to takedown of the evidence, we have provided, by the debunkers.
the above, it must be said that the lie first and foremost part of our imaginary "friend" Paul Attivissimo . In fact, while we all did not know where to put their hands on the case USAFFEKC-10, he seemed to know very well with what he had to do, even though he is only a journalist than a scientist.
In his blog he writes: "Chemtrails , there is now overwhelming evidence. That sciachimisti are idiots. "Of course you could not begin without the proper dose of his insults, however, since he is just a journalist, I did not expect a grammatical error so serious: putting a" Che "after a declarative still ...
Seriously, the buffalo hunter explains how contrails that you see on the KC-10 are nothing but contrails dynamics, in English or Wingtip vertex condensation. Of course we do not agree! The wingtips are formed after rapid temperature changes, and very often at the top of the wings are generated by condensation of veils as in the picture below:

see the sails on the wings? Well, that's condensation, which naturally requires appropriate conditions for the formation of which does not take into account Attivissimo.
Cito, now, an article from a journal known for debunking , duly translated into Italian:
"The reduction of blood pressure is naturally higher than under the wing that provides lift aircraft. [...] While the temperature at the top of the wing is very low, is still significant on the bottom. [...] In any case, the oversaturation touch higher values \u200b\u200babove and below the wing. "
Attivissimo's article, at this point, it generates contradiction, because in the video of the pilot USAFFEKC-10 are not seen by the glazing condensation. Anyone can check it below:

over the wing shown in the box there is no fog. The hypothesis of Paul Attivissimo, then, is struggling to stand. To take stock of the situation on the video of the KC-10 we can say:
a) It is not dumping fuel, because that type of aircraft is not equipped with this system.
b) No condensation.
c) No Wingtip vortex condensation, or braids Berenice.
d) It is not a fake.
e) It is not a hoax.
The video produced by the military pilot and then unconsciously posted on YouTube is still the best evidence available on the network of trails within chemical.
NOTICE: channel USAFFEKC-10 is no longer under its control, since Italian is full of disinformation, I think they have it deleted and replaced with a copy trivial. I repeat do not trust most of that individual because it is out of the picture. They are the debunkers that have darkened.

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