A military pilot with a camera incorporates Canon KC-10 aircraft, military, too, that is parked over the skies of Canada ... and so far nothing strange! The fact is that Conspiracy had previously mentioned in this story.

Rosario Marciano According to the plane in question was engaged in a clandestine operation of aerosols: it is obvious, however, that leaving trails everywhere except the engines.
In recent days, however, something has changed: it is assumed that the pilot, traced by his superiors, has been punished for committing the act of disclosure. And 'interesting to note that the user had posted on YouTube three videos in which they were filming the operations of aerosols, and just this last movie recasse entitled "Chemtrails spraying. This was true until yesterday, because for some strange reason the video is now called "Chemtrails spraying (NOT!).
What's more USAFFEKC-10, whose name is probably Tim, has consistently denied having made the filming of chemtrails, explaining that what you saw in the video were the contrails of the mundane ... In short, a funny joke?! Apparently not!
I myself received the comment from Tim when I notified that it was all a sham, and that's happened to all the channels that had revived his video or have written a comment to Tanker Enemy the point is that I am not convinced at all ... What is the point to write more than 50 times the same comment, if not blatantly trying to deny the evidence?

When one is accused in this way, the first reaction which is to remain silent and not to deny deny! Otherwise it could raise suspicions: you know, not excusat petita culpa shows ...
Too late, Tim!
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