Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Patch Usa

Dr. Strangelove - Baci di Perugia

Baci di Perugia, originally uploaded by the sandwich.

Sunday we will celebrate one of the most pathetic and consumerist celebrations of the globe: S. Valentino . Couples sickly and campaigns-campaigns, will stand hand in hand, or dine by candlelight, or visit this or that Italian city, complete with bouquets of flowers and heart-shaped balloons inflated with helium. You, I turn to you, now a single test at first sight, hanging out on the sidelines, professing as it is sad to celebrate St. Valentino and that love is not shown only once a year. Nonsense: of course we would love to receive as a gift one of those scary plush squeeze between the legs of hearts chocolate, or at least be able to snub the holiday with class, but decided to partner together. In your favor, though, you can pull out of the valid reasons for your friends who will tell you to wire and sign plans for Sunday, February 14, about how useless it is to spend as much for something so fleeting. In my opinion, Carlo Verdone, with Love is eternal while it lasts , has outdone himself. Not so much for the film itself (it is certainly more valuable Honeymoons with Tosca and famolostrano! ), and for the appropriate choice of the title. Yes, because I think a couple in love is not infinite. After the initial euphoria and passion, this deprives, and the more we go forward in time, the more it becomes habit and habit. While in some cases have disappeared, in others it becomes a different kind of love here. We comply with the life that, for some 'time, it leads to partner, and we are adapting to it. Because many times, after marriage, is the betrayal? If at times this is purely erotic, sexual, and spiritually and psychologically it is bound and attracted to the person who we chose as a companion for life, but sometimes it is indeed caused by a spark from the body which replaces the now faded by time. To prove that my theory is not only dictated by a sort of pessimism unusual for a girl my age right now that love does not see even a postcard (and when you're in love, apparently, it seems that your story is the best of all, the most beautiful the world and that will last more new silicone breasts of Ventura), the science involved. According to research conducted by the University of Pavia on the substance in the brain capable of falling in love, in fact, everything is reducible to the proteins. Small amino acid chains can influence the feeling for excellence, that he did talk about so many thinkers, what still remains a great mystery to the human species. The first "molecule love "was discovered by Nobel laureate (1968, for studies on growth factors precisely the nervous system) Rita Levi Montalcini : it is called NGF, which stands for Nerve Growth Factor. To study the phenomenon have been analyzed different groups of people divided by length of relationship. In people where the relationship had begun recently, there were higher values \u200b\u200bof NGF compared to couples who were together for over a year. Another aspect that emerged from research is that levels of NFG declines with the passing of the years in starting a new relationship will have a twenty year old protein levels higher than three decades. However, the researchers however, take to point out that after the first year does not end the love, this phase ends only "acute" that gives way to other sensations. All this validates the theory that supporters are now a bit 'of time. Your friend obviously you will look skeptically and full of disappointment, and he will look for a lovely photo frame for her boyfriend to think how much you are unlucky and a bit 'jealous, unaware that his level of NGF is progressively decreasing.

For this Valentine's Day, here is the recipe of the famous Baci di Perugia, found on Salt and Pepper this month. These mouth-watering chocolates are born in the 20s from an idea of \u200b\u200bGiovanni Buitoni and Luisa Spagnoli, including the original founders of Perugia. She invented the recipe and called them "fists" to form a fist, and he softened it in the name of "kisses." Wrap it in aluminum foil, placing each in a famous quote: the result will surely be more satisfactory than that given by the sweets purchased.

Baci di Perugia

Ingredients: 240 g

hazelnut chocolate 120 g hazelnuts 30 g roasted hazelnuts

70 g cream 300 g dark chocolate 70%


Heat the cream in a saucepan with the chopped chocolate and stir until gianduia to obtain a smooth cream. Add the hazelnuts and continue stirring until it is completely incorporated. Transfer the mixture into a pastry bag without a nozzle, distribute it on a tray lined with baking paper to form as many balls as big as a walnut, let cool in the fridge for an hour and then place a whole hazelnut on every kiss, pressing lightly. Grate fine dark chocolate together into a bowl and let it melt gently in a water bath. Remove the kisses from the fridge and dip in melted chocolate one at a time, using a forceps or pastry with a fork to coat completely. Drain well do the kisses, and then put them on a sheet of baking paper and let them rest until they are thoroughly dried.


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